Here's some info I thought ECOFEMers might be interested in.  

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The latest issue of the British interdisciplinary Journal of Area Studies,
has just been published as a special issue under the theme of

Women in Eastern and Western Europe - in Transition and Recession


Editorial Introduction: Martha Worsching

Experiencing Social Transformation in Eastern Europe: Barbara Bertram, Olga
Zdravomyslova, Grazyna Firlit-Fesnak

Young Families in Eastern and Western Europe: Monika Jaeckel, Marina
Arutiunyan and Ulla Bjornberg

Women in Poland: The Impact of Post-Communist Transformation: Frances

Creating Change or Struggling to Survive? - Women's Situation in Albania:
Chris Corrin

Portuguese Women Between Revolution and Recession: Gender in Decision
Making and Employment: Audrey Brassloff

Women's Status and Employment in Contemporary Greece: Gabriella Lazaridis,
Anna Syngellakis

Women's Labour Market Participation in France: The Paradox of the Nineties:
Marie-Therese Letablier

The 'Insidious Double Message': Austrian Women Caught Between The Family
and Employment: Wolfgang Brassloff

Women at East and West German Universities Before and After
Unification: Marianne Kriszio

In the Margins: Experience of Women Academics in British
Universities: Barbara Bagilhole

Feeding the Family: The Role of Women in Coping With Low Income in Britain:
Barbara Dobson, Alan Beardsworth, Teresa Keil, Robert Walker

Women, Welfare and the Private Sphere: The Problem of Meeting Long Term
Care Needs: Eithne McLaughlin, Caroline Glendinning

Autonomy versus Integration - East German Women and Political
Participation: Astrid Herhoffer

East European Women as Domestics in Eastern Europe: New Social
Inequality and Division of Labour Among Women: Marianne Friese

Migrant Women and Gender Role Definition in the Italian Context: Jacqueline

Thematic Book Reviews

If you would like further information on this journal, please contact
J.Leaman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or M. Worsching (fax: UK code (0)1509-269
395) or write to the Subscriptions Secretary, Journal of Area Studies,
Department of European Studies, Loughborough University of Technology,
Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU.

Thank you.


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