Re: MAWOW News Update -- For Immediate Distribution
    How Non-sexist Americans Will End the Debacles in Washington

Dear Empowered MAWOW Participants:

This message is being carried to tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of
thousands, of empowered non-sexist women and men all around the US and
around the world, who welcome the next American President to be a woman,
leading a truly balanced and diverse government. It has been sent to
many major women's groups, campaign finance reform and government watch
groups, affirmative action organizations, environmental groups, human
rights groups, peace groups, political parties and others who know
how costly gender imbalance is to the issues they and we all have at
stake, and what an enormous difference full gender equity and a
non-sexist woman in the White House would make for their efforts on
behalf of all Americans, all humanity and the planet itself.  When you
receive this message, empower your self to make history, indeed, to
make Ourstory, and please send it to at least 3-5 other people
(friends, family, colleagues, coworkers, women and men, as well as your
favorite Internet mailing lists, newsgroups and chat areas, who you
think care about the issues that affect all our lives and future --

In late October, MAWOW released information to the Press and Internet
about our insistence on a Woman in the Whitehouse in 2000, and our press
release was successful in getting the attention of reporters and several
organizations: We were very happy to learn that MAWOW was mentioned in a
variety of places on the Internet (and probably in some newspapers and
radio broadcasts, we think), and will be soon mentioned in several
upcoming organizational newsletters, we were told. This occurred largely
as a result of the coverage of MAWOW given by the Agence France Press
news wire, (which is, of course, carried by many Internet news services
both in the US and worldwide), and which talked about us among the
current efforts to bring women into the Presidential race and the
highest Executive office. If you saw or heard the AFP article, or any
other article or broadcast about us, let us know.

The MAWOW Website has recenty been updated again in light of major
events, and discusses the sexist impeachment investigation and political
environment from the point of view of non-sexist women and men.
The Website is still currently at
It has already become an empowerment beacon and gathering place, and
we invite you to visit, choose your favorite among the women
Presidential candidates, and think about the men who believe in
partnership and leadership, that you would like to see as the first
visionary Vice-President of America's first woman President in over
200 years.

We are delighted at the extremely positive response and words of
encouragement we have received thus far for our grass roots efforts from
several well known women activists/organizations, including Susan Shaer
of WAND, Donna Hazley of NOW, Susan Bianchi-Sand of the Committee on Pay
Equity. These leaders welcome and encourage the grass roots from all
wings of the political spectrum and their parties, who already are, or
eventually will become serious about true political, social,
psychological, spiritual and economic empowerment of women as well as
men. They are helping women in all parties make their parties and
political process far more accountable to eliminating sexism and
insuring women and men total equality and full mutual respect. Now, we
are communicating with and expect to hear from even more organizations,
rank and file people, political action committees, many communities, and
just plain folks from all over.

We received enthusiastic response from men and women in the street
signing our petitions supporting a woman President for the election of
2000. We also sent individualized letters to each one of our current
incumbents and spouses at the White House: Vice President Al Gore, Mrs.
Tipper Gore, President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton, and
we invite you to do the same. Especially in light of recent events, we
hope and encourage both the Gores and the Clintons to demonstrate
unselfish responsibility, and courageously speak out to call for many
women candidates, and visionary men ready to be the First Woman
President's Vice-President, in the primaries and for the year 2000
nomination race, in their party and all parties, as the best way to
make that Millenial race meaningful, fair and representative to the
American non-sexist majority.

We have linked the MAWOW page to the whitehouse project, are cheering
their efforts, and hope we, you, and all of us, from various sources
and in various ways, will together bring forth more and more grass roots
activists, and more new related projects and activities. We expect to
bring forth many nonsexist diverse women candidates from all
political parties, including 3rd parties, and even independent and un-or
multi-affiliated leaders for appearance on ballots as nominees of fusion
parties, or even by widespead write-in acclamation that can be
exercised one way or another, if Necessity must become the Mother of
Invention), to absolutely insure the widespread ability to vote for a
woman President, on a balanced ticket with a visionary real man
Vice-President as her partner, that has not been available to Americans
for over 200 years. We have already called and spoken to several
potential party caucuses, and women potential Presidential candidates
and men Vice-Presidential candidates, and are in the process of
inviting more to throw their hats in the ring. "As we call them, they
will come" - so call, write, or contact your favorite women candidates
as soon as possible, and ask your friends, family and favorite
organizations to do so, too.

There are many fine organizations dedicated to good government with
gender equity, and we see MAWOW not as just one more (and therefore,
hopefully unnecessary) organization, but as a grass roots catalyst of
the many already existing powerful organizations and activists active in
public civic life. We feel the more voices cheering and empowering
these fine organizations, activists, and all our potential woman
candidates, the merrier: Yes, now, we and you, the potential election
year 2000 voters, the potential candidates, all parties, and the world,
need to hear from each other. We are inviting your
organization/community, your local grass roots groups, your church,
synagogue, temple or mosque social responsibility committees and
women's auxiliaries, your women's clubs, your ptas, your local chapters
of any civic group, your labor or professional organizations, your
campus organizations, your women's caucuses, and affirmative action
activists, men and women alike, to empower this effort, potential
candidates and yourselves, in a number of ways:

1) Host (that is, copy - feel free to copy it!) the existing MAWOW page
into your own personal and/or organizational website, (While it is
quite nice and basically adequate as a mustard seed, we feel the site is perhaps not perfectly ideal because of its
pop-up advertising and commercial underpinning, and, more importantly,
because we think the MAWOW page deserves a widespread set of many Homes
on the Internet, and presentations among existing gender equity and good
governent issue-oriented Web hosts). Please let us know if you or your
organization puts it up! (We've also sent the MAWOW htm files directly
to several major organizations, activists and others, for empowerment
and convenience.)

2)  Even better, if we begin to put our heads together, the MAWOW page
can be linked/incorporated within political action pages from an adhoc
coalition(s) of affirmative action/good government/women's
organizations/peace and environmental organizations or individual
activists, coming together to host and/or link to the existing, and
hopefully, many more to come, websites, newsgroups messages, chat areas
and news articles that call for gender equity in the White House and all
government (as well as gender equity in all institutional, and corporate
decision-making, both in the US and around the world.) Also, other issue
organizations, unions and professions where there is gender balance or
a majority of women who want to be taken more seriously as potential
office-holders in government, and non-sexist spiritual and religious
sites, can list and link to this because of the societal and spiritual
meta-importance of gender balance to all issues and activities, from
politics to parenting children to pastoral care, on our earth today.

3) Independently design your own organizational or personal Web page or
mailing list, or chat area about why you think we should have a
woman US President in 2000, and make sure you let us and others know!

2) Keep the Women in Our Whitehouse topic uppermost in people's
thoughts by sharing: send the organizations listed on the MAWOW Web
page copies (cc.) of your own letters, emails, letters to the editors,
or any other writing or speaking you are doing about a Woman in the
White House, even if it is just among coworkers, local community,
friends and family. Call and write potential candidates, and
let the organizations listed on the MAWOW Website know if you have
called or written to any potential candidates.

We invite your constructive feedback about the MAWOW Web page, which has
been recently updated in light of current events in the still sexist
Congress and political culture in Washington. Today, the current
debacle is a nightmare come true; but paradoxically, it is the perfect
springboard to the dream-come-true of a Woman in Our White House. This
is a very exciting and amazing time to be a woman or a man of
cooperative and equitable vision; a time to BOLDLY go where no Americans
have gone before, with a fresh spirit of mutual respect and appreciation
for the new day of the Millenium.

Together, we WILL bring a non-sexist Woman President to Our White House
in 2000, a great American who dares and deserves to lead, cooperating in
leadership and equal partnership; she and her visionary partner WILL win
for us all the peace, prosperity and blessings that ought and shall
come with the New Millenium, in a government committed to and composed
of gender balanced diversity.

WOW! and Namaste (We Greet the Holiness Within You and in All)


Your Friends,

The Balance-Loving Women and Men of MAWOW

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