Applications continue to be accepted for some Fulbright Scholar awards
for lecturing, research or combined lecturing/research awards in
environmental science during the 2008-2009 academic year. Faculty and
professionals in environmental science may apply not only for awa
Hello all,
I've been following (on and off) the discussion of Christianity
and science with some interest, in part because I'm currently putting
together a course on the social/cultural and scientific consequences of
Darwin's work. It is well known, as I'm sure someone has probably alr
CORE Education Coordinator (NOSBĀ®)
The Consortium for Ocean Leadership, www.oceanleadership.org, a new
corporation resulting from the merger of the Consortium for Oceanographic
Research and Education (CORE) and the Joint Oceanographic Institutions
(JOI) has an immediate and rewarding opportuni
You guys may find the following link interesting:
Thought provoking indeed,
-Original Message-
From: Ecological Society of America: grants, jobs, news [mailto:[EMAIL
PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Sears
Sent: Friday, August 2
On Thursday 23 August 2007 02:29:20 pm Darren J.H. Sleep wrote:
> It seems worth pointing out that anyone who thinks the existence of
> God can be proved through the presence or absence of physical evidence
> may be lacking an understanding of both theology and science! As the
> saying goes, absenc
Ashwani Vasishth wrote:
> It seems to me people that propagate the use of DDTgenuinely
> fail to see the long-term consequences of a renewed use.
Maybe the people that propagate the use of DDT (indoors to kill
& repel mosquitoes) understand and appreciate the fact that the
long term consquenc
> From:Ashwani Vasishth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> This on-going debate over the use of DDT to check
> the spread of malaria is really a debate over
> boundaries and scales.
It seems it may be more, and less, than that. After
some preliminary searching on the author of the
article, Donald Rober
It seems worth pointing out that anyone who thinks the existence of
God can be proved through the presence or absence of physical evidence
may be lacking an understanding of both theology and science! As the
saying goes, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence...
Ever notice that the