Re: She will not have babies

2007-11-28 Thread Lonnie Aarssen
For a biologist, it is a remarkable thing to find a behavior that promotes zero fitness. If it were an isolated example, it could easily be dismissed as a maladaptive oddity, destined always to remain rare – as it is in all wild species – because of its intense disfavor under natural selection. I

Re: She will not have babies

2007-11-28 Thread Laura Jodice
Another thought: Today I listened to John McCain speak at our campus. One of the people who asked him a question was a young mother with 3 children and her question regarded concerns about the future for her children. One thing about having children is it provides some parents with greater incen

Re: She will not have babies

2007-11-28 Thread Osmar Luiz Jr
A third world view on childfree ideology. Here in Brazil, anyone who decides to not have kids in an attempt to save the world, will soon became frustrated in seeing uneducated and miserable couples in slums having 6 or 7 or even 10 children. The decision is clearly useless and is clear to me

Ph.D. Graduate Assistantship in Soil Microbial Ecology

2007-11-28 Thread Mark Andrew Williams
UGguRC4gR3JhZHVhdGUgQXNzaXN0YW50c2hpcCBpbiBTb2lsIE1pY3JvYmlhbCBFY29sb2d5IGF0 IE1pc3Npc3NpcHBpIFN0YXRlIFVuaXZlcnNpdHkuIEEgTlNGLWZ1bmRlZCBQaEQgcHJvamVjdCBp cyBhdmFpbGFibGUgdG8gYW4gYW1iaXRpb3VzIHN0dWRlbnQgaW50ZXJlc3RlZCBpbiBzdHVkeWlu ZyB0aGUgc3VjY2Vzc2lvbiBvZiBtaWNyb2JpYWwgY29tbXVuaXRpZXMgZHVyaW5nIHRo

downscaled climate data - SUMMARY

2007-11-28 Thread David Inouye
Several people sent me links to climate data in response to my earlier request. I've summarized them below. Thanks to everyone who assisted. DAYMET - Daily climate data, 1km resolution, U.S. only, 1980 ­ 1997 PRISM - Monthly, 800m to 4km d

Re: She will not have babies

2007-11-28 Thread tim knab
I would like to say that if you have children, you will inherently pass certain world-perspectives to them. Of course, as they develop and learn on their own they will adopt their own values and personal perspectives -- something every human is entitled to, and should strive for. However, if every

Re: She will not have babies

2007-11-28 Thread Andrew Park
Mikes post suggests that there may be a genetic element to caring for nature. I am not so sure about that, though I guess it might be possible. As for the cultural background, well, how many children end up behaving as their parents would wish? Overall, I suspect the larger material cult

Re: She will not have babies

2007-11-28 Thread Laura Jodice
While a childfree lifestyle may be a valid and important ethical choice (though probably a freedom for only a portion of the female population in this world), the woman in the article that started this discussion chose to terminate a pregnancy using the save the planet rationale (as I recall).

Research Assistants: Mt. Graham red squirrel telemetry, SE Arizona

2007-11-28 Thread melissa merrick
The Mt. Graham Red Squirrel Monitoring Program, a long term ecological research project, seeks two research assistants to participate in population and behavioral studies on the endangered Mt. Graham red squirrel in the Pinaleño mountains in southeastern Arizona. This isolated population of squ

Re: She will not have babies

2007-11-28 Thread K Johnson
Yes, I am pleased to see the childfree movement continuing to garner press attention; a childfree lifestyle is one of many tools that may contribute to a long-term balance in human demand on natural resources. (In order to share experiences and ideas with others, childfree-leaning individuals n

Re: she will not have babies...

2007-11-28 Thread Cara Lin Bridgman
I know all about that. And how difficult it is to get doctors to believe you REALLY don't want kids of your own.. I tell my colleagues that I'm working on my inclusive fitness. CL Matheus Carvalho wrote: > ... to reduce her CO2 footprint. > >

Re: She will not have babies

2007-11-28 Thread Emily Gonzales
You said: "All of the people who believed that they could help to save the planet by not having babies lived their life span and died. The rest of the world's population went ahead and had babies. As the genetic (and cultural) lines of those believers in birth control perished, the human popula

Re: Population control

2007-11-28 Thread Lela Stanley
Matheus does raise a point that is rarely discussed even here and virtually never by (American) politicos. The human footprint would still be problematic with a smaller global population, but it would be made vastly more bearable if we weren't multipying quite so fruitfully. I've seen estimates (po

Re: She will not have babies

2007-11-28 Thread Charles Davis
>All of the people who believed that they could help to save the planet by not having babies lived their life span and died. The rest of the world's population went ahead and had babies. As the genetic (and cultural) lines of those believers in birth control perished, the human population grew

Vertebrate Ecologist (tenure track)

2007-11-28 Thread Karen M Kester/FS/VCU
VCU VERTEBRATE ECOLOGIST The Department of Biology at Virginia Commonwealth University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in vertebrate ecology. Research should include both field and laboratory components. Preference will be given to applicants working with birds. Primary tea

Re: image processing software for leaf images. (11/27)

2007-11-28 Thread Rebecca Montgomery
Jon, We have a protocol that uses PhotoShop and ImageJ (freeware from NIH) to calculate herbivory 'manually' for tropical and temperate forest leaf scans. It is a bit labour intensive but can be made less so depending on the level of detail necessary. If your scans have multiple leaves, you

Ecology Research for Undergraduates at IES - Summer 2008

2007-11-28 Thread Alan Berkowitz
Ecology in Context: Independent Research in Ecology for Undergraduates=20 Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York=20 Ten undergraduate students will join the IES research community in 2008 to: * Complete a research project of their own design. *

Internship, Sand skink ecology

2007-11-28 Thread Alessandro Catenazzi
An intern is needed for an on-going field project on the ecology of the sand skink [Plestiodon (Neoseps) reynoldsi] at the Archbold Biological Station, Florida. The project is under the direction of Drs. Henry Mushinsky and Earl McCoy, University of South Florida; the intern will be based at Archbo

Research assistant - plant community ecology

2007-11-28 Thread Luke Pangle
Please broadcast the following job advertisement. Thanks, Luke Pangle Research Assistant: Forest Community Ecology The Clark lab in the Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Science at Duke University is seeking one research assistant to assist with field and laboratory data collect

Re: She will not have babies

2007-11-28 Thread Mike Marsh
All of the people who believed that they could help to save the planet by not having babies lived their life span and died. The rest of the world's population went ahead and had babies. As the genetic (and cultural) lines of those believers in birth control perished, the human population grew e

Re: image processing software for leaf images.

2007-11-28 Thread daniel metcalfe
Hi Xiaohua, =20 Scion image ( is a n= ice, free software that should allow you to manually calculate leaf damage = areas. Automatic processing is much trickier. Regent intruments (http://reg= have various automated image an

Call for abstracts, International Statistical Ecology Conference, St. Andrews Scotland 9-11 July 2008

2007-11-28 Thread Eric Rexstad
Call for abstracts, International Statistical Ecology Conference, St. Andrews Scotland 9-11 July 2008 Abstracts are now being accepted for this conference, jointly sponsored by the National Centre for Statistical Ecology and the University of St. Andrews. Our exciting list of internationally-k