One of the standing committees of the Ecological Society of America
is the Historical Records Committee. Tasks for this committee
include the preservation of information about the history,
development, and successes of the Society, such as decisions about
what should be preserved, how, and whe
I have funding for a postdoctoral position starting next spring, on
an NSF-funded project (from the Long-Term Research in Environmental
Biology program). The field work is conducted at the Rocky Mountain
Biological Laboratory, at 9,500 feet altitude in Colorado, and
focuses on a set of 30 plots
We've just returned from a lengthy trip to northern California where,
among other places, we visited the adult home of John Muir at
Martinez. Muir was a giant among American conservationists who
deserves credit for helping get the ball rolling on our national park
system. To read about Muir's a
Our lab uses a PAM-2000 Fluorometer from Walz ( They make a
wide variety of products related to leaf fluorescence measurements including
a field chlorophyll fluorometer. I am not sure how much they cost.
Marnin Wolfe
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Biological Sciences
I have a fellowship available to begin between January and September 2010 in
the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Program of the Department of Biological
Sciences at Dartmouth College. The successful candidate will be a
co-investigator in the research project "Towards understanding subcontin