Thanks for sharing this resource. I think it is obvious that in many
instances production agriculture has ignored the rules of nature, but for
those actually doing the farming, often times it comes down to economics.
Unfortunately, if the method is simple and can save time and money, then
Funding for Tropical Botany research Opportunity
Deadline to apply for GCA Awards in Tropical Botany is January 15, 2015.
Purpose: To promote the preservation of tropical forests by enlarging
the body of botanists with field experience.
Provisions: Provides
Hi Folks,
One of my teachers is looking for primary research (or maybe even a review,
if possible) on climate change impacts on foodwebs. A preliminary search
didn't turn up much, so I was hoping someone on this list might have some
Many thanks and all the best in the new year.
9th IALE World Congress ForeignScholar Travel Award
9th IALE World Congress
Crossing Scales, Crossing Borders: GlobalApproaches to Complex Challenges
Portland, Oregon USA
July 5 - 10, 2015
With support from IALE and the UnitedStates Regional Asso
Tierra Curry, Center for Biological Diversity, (928) 522-3681
George Kimbrell , Center for Food Safety, (571)-527-8618
Sarina Jepsen, Xerces Society, (971) 244-3727
Monarch Butterfly Moves Toward Endangered Species Act Protection
Feds Issue Initia
Three field assistants are needed for the capture and banding of sandhill
cranes in northern Minnesota. Cranes will be fitted with GPS transmitters to
study habitat use and spatial ecology. Fieldwork will be conducted
primarily at night in wetland habitats and also during periods of crane
Dear Colleagues,
I apologize for the self-promotion, but because I published with Island Press,
an excellent but non-profit press, I’m responsible for some of the promotion
within my field.
I’ve written a book about the evolutionary race between pests and chemical
pesticides within our agricult
A full-time renewable, non-tenure track, lecturer position in Environmental
Studies is available beginning July 1, 2015.
The Environmental Studies Program at Tufts University seeks an individual
with expertise in environmental policy and communication who is committed to
enhancing our students’ c
Registration for the 21st ISTF Annual Conference is open!
Date: January 29th – 31st, 2015,
Location: Yale University, New Haven, CT
The International Society of Tropical Foresters, Yale Chapter proudly
presents: *Conserving biodiversity across multiple use landscapes through
strategic governance
A position is available for a PhD student interested in investigating how
acid deposition affects the nutrient dynamics and productivity of deciduous
forests in central Appalachia.
Students will have the opportunity to conduct research at the Fernow
Experimental Forest and contribute to long-ter
10 matches
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