Postdoctoral position available investigating noise impacts on greater sage
Department of Evolution and Ecology, UC Davis
A postdoctoral position is available for an ongoing research project in the
lab of Dr. Gail Patricelli (UC Davis) addressing the potential impacts of
noise from energy development on lekking greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus
urophasianus). The larger project has involved extensive noise monitoring of
energy sources in deep natural gas and coal bed methane development areas,
as well as an experiment introducing both drilling and road noise onto leks
in an undeveloped area:
We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to integrate these noise
measurements into a spatially-explicit, landscape-level model that will
serve as a tool for researchers and wildlife managers to predict noise
effects on grouse in present and future development areas.  The postdoctoral
researcher will evaluate the suitability of existing terrestrial noise
models, and adapt one of the models for this project.  Some processing of
noise measurements and audio recordings will be involved. The postdoctoral
researcher will also prepare results of the analysis for publication, and
work with public agencies to disseminate information about the model and
results.  The position will be based at University of California, Davis with
funding for salary and benefits available for one year, with the possibility
of seeking additional funds for continuation of this or a related project.
Qualifications: Applicants must have relevant Ph.D. experience in ecology,
bioacoustics, conservation biology, sound modeling, or a related field. 
Proficiency in GIS, good data management skills and excellent communication
skills are essential.  Prior experience with noise modeling is highly
desirable, but not critical.
To apply: Send the following information in electronic form to Gail
Patricelli cover letter, CV, and names and contact
information for three references. Review of applications will begin
immediately and continue until the position has been filled. Funding is
available to begin immediately, but the start date is negotiable.

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