Two MSc/PhD positions are available at a new lab in Bar-Ilan University, Israel:

1. Studying the effect of fear on social networks in a wild rock hyrax 
population. The 
goal of this project is to learn how social networks change in response to 
elevation in predation risk. We will use a range of methods to simulate high 
risk, and will record the effect on the social network using proximity sensors.

- Behavioral ecology background.
- Experience in fieldwork, preferably with mammals in warm climate.
- Willingness to spend 5 months every year in a field station in Ein Gedi 
Nature Reserve, 
- Excellent data analysis skills, preferably using R.

2. Fitness consequences of social network dynamics. This is a theoretical 
project that is 
aimed at extending previous work ( 
the fundamental structure of social networks. We will simulate social network 
to identify how several factors such as environmental effects and individual 
traits affect 
social structure; and how in turn the social structure contributes to variation 
in survival 
and reproductive success.

- Background in computational biology.
- Proficiency in at least one programming language.

The start date of both positions is flexible.

Applicants should send the following to Dr. Amiyaal Ilany at :
- Cover letter 
- CV
- Names and email addresses of 2 references
Please note the position you are applying to.

Applications will be reviewed until the positions are filled.

For more details about the lab:

Reply via email to