Hello all,

If you are working on socio-environmental systems research or issues of
landscape change using geospatial data (especially social media,
crowdsourced data, or participatory mapping), please consider submitting to
our special issue in the open-source journal Land. The deadline for
submitting is Feb. 1st. See below for more information, and please contact
me with questions or to pitch a paper.

Bianca Lopez

Postdoctoral Immersion Fellow

National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)

Annapolis, MD


Message from the Guest Editors
Dear Colleagues,
Many questions in landscape ecology involve interactions between humans and
their environment. Considering both of these key factors is challenging, in
part because biophysical and social data are often collected at very
different spatial grains and extents. This Special Issue will highlight
landscape-scale work on human–environment linkages that utilize
spatially-explicit data from citizen science apps, social media, and
participatory mapping. These data from non-authoritative sources are used
to understand biophysical locations and human values for ecosystem services
and to create congruent social and ecological datasets.
We invite papers on the use of social media and other crowd-sourced data to
study socio-environmental systems in a spatial context. We also welcome
papers on that focus
on participatory mapping approaches for understanding social-ecological
Please contact one of the guest editors if you have any questions about the
special issue.

Full description available at:

Guest Editors:
Dr. Bianca Lopez

Dr. Ginger Allington

Dr. Stephanie Tomscha

Dr. Sarah Gergel

Deadline for manuscript submissions:
1 February 2019

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