I am looking for a field assistant to help collect plant data in western China 
for my dissertation research.  Please forward this to any adventurous 
conservation-minded students you know of.  Reliability and maturity are more 
important than upper level biology courses!



I am looking for an upper-level undergraduate student or recent graduate serve 
as a summer research assistant.  My project studies the impact of small mammal 
disturbance on plant species in alpine meadows.  The field assistant's 
responsibilities include: communication in Mandarin with locals; recording 
plant species data; collecting plant specimens; and collecting soil samples.  
Previous experience identifying plants is encouraged, but not required (all 
field techniques can be taught on-site; you will not be required to identify 
plants without my supervision)


This position is an unpaid, temporary, full-time position from late May to mid 
August (exact dates to be determined).  Living expenses (including round trip 
ticket from the United States to China, food, and lodging) are covered, but you 
will not receive a stipend.  You will not be required to hike long distances, 
but field site are located at high altitudes (3200m-5000m/ 12000-16400ft).  
Living conditions are rural, but not primitive.  Housing will be in rural 
hotels (typically outdoor or squat toilet), and dining at local restaurants 
(strict vegetarian meals may be hard to find).



*       At least 3 years of Mandarin Chinese, or its equivalent
*       Previous travel outside the United States/ Canada (i.e., this cannot be 
your first time abroad!)
*       Reliability, maturity, and enthusiasm
*       Interest in conservation issues and Chinese culture
*       Physical fitness; ability to work at high altitudes; willingness to 
take altitude medication
*       U.S. passport valid for 6 months after departure date (mid August)


*       Backpacking/ camping/ hiking experience
*       Experience with ecological field work
*       Basic plant identification skills

In past years, I have had two types of assistants:
(1)  A full-time research assistant who is near fluency in Mandarin, and who 
assists me for the length of the study.
At this point I am only accepting applications from students with at least 3 
years of Mandarin Chinese for the
research assistant position.  If I am unable to fill the position under these 
requirements, I will open the search 
up to other candidates.
(2)  Research volunteers who pay their own way, have more basic Mandarin 
skills, and who assist for only part of
the study period.  Typically these volunteers are individuals finishing up a 
study-abroad program in China.  If 
you are interested in serving as a volunteer, I will still need you to send a 
cover letter, CV, and list of references.
Interested applicants please submit a cover letter, CV (can be more than 1 
page), and names of three references who
know you well to [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> .  Please 
indicate if you are applying as a research assistant or volunteer.
If you have questions or want more information, don't hesitate to drop me an 
informal e-mail. Thanks!
Brigitte Hogan
Brigitte W. Hogan
NSF Graduate Research Fellow
School of Life Sciences
P.O. Box 874601
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-4601
Ph:(480) 296-8040, Fax:(480) 965-7599

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