Post-doctoral position in insect or plant population ecology

I am seeking a post-doctoral scientist for a two year project working on 
population ecology or optimal decisions in behavior and life history. The 
project could be theoretical, empirical or a combination of both. Possible 
topics could include the influence of environmental variation on population 
establishment, non-equilibrium dynamics of structured populations following 
disturbance (e.g. encounter with predators/parasitoids, fire or drought), 
or optimal resource allocation in insects mediated by the trade-off between 
current and future reproduction. I encourage all interested applicants to 
get in touch with me so that we can discuss common research interests, and 
potential projects. The post-doc position is funded through the University 
of Nebraska-Lincoln Program of Excellence in Population Biology 
(applications due May 1, 2008, starting date as early as June 2008).  For 
more details on the application process see

Brigitte Tenhumberg
Assistant Professor
School of Biological Sciences and
Department of Mathematics
University of Nebraska
412 Manter Hall
Lincoln, NE 68588-0118

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