One postdoctoral position focusing on the consequences of human impacts 
on freshwater ecosystems is available in the group of David Boukal at 
the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice 
(Czech Republic).

Links to full version of the advertisement can be found here:

The position is defined broadly and can be tailored to individual 
interests. Our ongoing experimental and theoretical work focuses mainly 
on size-, stage- and trait-based approaches to freshwater communities. 
We primarily use freshwater insects and other invertebrates in small 
standing waters as a model system (see for 
examples of our recent work).

Basic qualifications are a PhD in ecology, entomology, applied 
mathematics or related fields, and a strong interest in quantitative 
ecology. Candidates interested in both experimental and theoretical work 
are particularly welcome to apply.

Start date (as early as July 2016) is negotiable. The position is 
available until the end of 2017 and may be further extended based on the 
postdoc's performance and funding opportunities. It will be funded 
through the newly launched Sowa (Soil and Water) National Research 
Infrastructure project, and the salary is highly competitive in local 

Ceske Budejovice is a medium-sized town ca. 150 km south of Prague with 
100,000 inhabitants, a relaxed atmosphere, and a growing community of 
foreign scientists at the University and the Biology Centre. Three 
faculties and five research institutes dealing with aquatic and 
terrestrial biota are located on the same campus, allowing easy access 
to other researchers and resources.

To apply, please send a CV including the list of publications, research 
statement and two recommendation letters to dboukal(AT) or 
boukal(AT) until 10 June 2016. Shortlisted candidates will be 
interviewed in the second half of June and final decision made 
immediately afterwards.

Contact information:
Assoc.Prof. David Boukal
Department of Ecosystem Biology, Faculty of Science, University of South 
Bohemia & Biology Centre AS CR, Institute of Entomology, Laboratory of 
Aquatic Insects and Relict Ecosystems
Branisovska 31, CZ-37005 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
tel: +420 387 772 327 
email: dboukal(AT) or boukal(AT)

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