Postdoctoral Research position in quantitative amphibian ecology

During the late 1980’s scientists recognized that amphibian populations
were declining globally (Wake 1991). These declines have continued and
amphibian extinction rates have been elevated (Stuart et al. 2004, Wake
2012). In response to this crisis, USGS developed an Amphibian Research and
Monitoring Initiative (ARMI) in order to obtain inferences about North
American amphibian populations. The ARMI program has led to much useful
research, and inferences include reduced occupancies of N. American
habitats over the last decade. The success of the ARMI program has resulted
from collaboration between field scientists and statistical ecologists.

We seek a postdoctoral researcher who will engage in research that will
support the ARMI program. The research will include developing new
statistical methodology, as well as tailoring existing methods to specific
ARMI uses. This includes assistance with nonstandard statistical problems
that arise during their analyses. In addition, we will suggest 1-2 research
topics that focus on statistical and applied ecological issues in amphibian
population dynamics and ecology, depending on the interests of the postdoc,
which may include developing goodness of fit tests for occupancy models,
methods to improve estimation of demographic rates from combined data
models, improving estimation of community dynamics, and improving models
for use in resource management decisions.

The work will be conducted in collaboration with the leadership of the USGS
ARMI program (current head is Mike Adams). Drs. Evan Grant and James
Nichols at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center and Dr. David Miller,
Pennsylvania State University, are the primary collaborators. All USGS
researchers associated with the ARMI program ( are potential
collaborators as well.

1. Ph.D. in quantitative ecology, wildlife ecology, or related fields.
2. Knowledge of amphibian ecology, modeling, statistics, decision analysis.
3. Excellent verbal and written communication skills to facilitate a
collaborative  research environment and dissemination of results in
scientific outlets.

The salary range is approximately $50,000 - $60,000 depending on
qualifications and other factors.  This is a one-year time-limited
appointment with potential for extension based on the scope of the
applicant’s interests and contingent on funding.

Send CV with names and contact information for three potential references
to Evan Grant (; subject: ARMI postdoc application).  I
encourage applicants to submit materials by 07 July 2017


Evan H. Campbell Grant, PhD
NE Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative
USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
SO Conte Anadromous Fish Laboratory, 1 Migratory Way, Turners Falls MA 01376
fax   (413) 863-9810

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