NOAA's Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research (CSCOR) is proud to 
be a co-sponsor of the 33^rd Scientific Conference of the Association of 
the Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (AMLC) to be held June 4 -- 8, 
2007 at the University of the Virgin Islands in St. Thomas.  As such we 
anticipate hosting two dedicated sessions during the meeting.  The two 
planned sessions will focus on 1) the ecology and management of deep 
(~50 -- 100 m) hermatypic coral reef ecosystems and 2) coral reef 
research that addresses management needs at the ecosystem level.  We are 
encouraging coral reef researchers engaged in ecosystem-level research, 
particularly those developing predictive tools and capabilities or 
evaluating the effectiveness of management strategies, to submit 
abstracts for the meeting that can fit the two sessions.  Work does not 
have to be performed in the Caribbean but must have applicability to the 
coral reef issues that affect the region.  Abstract deadline is April 
15, 2007.  Information on abstract submission and the meeting in general 
can be found in the AMLC's website at: 
<>.  For more information on the NOAA/CSCOR 
sessions contact: (for deep coral reefs) Mike Dowgiallo at 
coral reef management) Felix Martinez at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  We can also be reached at 
301-713-3338 during regular working hours (EST).

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Felix A. Martinez, Ph.D.
NOAA Oceans and Coasts
Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research
National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
N/SCI2, SSMC4 Rm. 8083       ph: 301-713-3338 x153
1305 East-West Hwy.          fax: 301-713-4044       
Silver Spring, MD 20910      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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