Research positions available:  Agricultural Land Management in Prairie 

The Global Institute for Water Security ( is launching a 
field and model-based program to address issues of agricultural land management 
in prairie landscapes.  The goal of this research program is to develop 
hydrological and process-based biogeochemical models suited to prairie 
environments.  We will then use these models to develop monitoring programs to 
characterize the effects of agricultural beneficial management practices on 
hydrology, biogeochemistry, and indicators of ecosystem health. 

We are seeking 3 masters students, 1 PhD student and 1 postdoctoral fellow to 
be a part of a project team, led by Drs. Howard Wheater, John Pomeroy, 
Cherie Westbrook and Helen Baulch.  This project will provide excellent 
opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration with researchers in both 
academia, and government, and will build upon existing, long-term monitoring 
programs at two prairie research sites.  Applicants should have a background in 
a relevant science or engineering discipline. 

To apply, please send a cover letter outlining your background and 
interests (including which position you are applying for), your CV, and a list 
of three references (with their contact information) to  Review of applications will begin January 16,
2012.  The anticipated start date is May or Sept 2012.  Informal inquiries 
are welcome – please contact Helen Baulch ( for 
additional information regarding all positions listed. 

Positions Available: 
>Hydrological and biogeochemical modelling positions:  
Postdoctoral fellow  - with Dr. John Pomeroy/Dr. Howard Wheater (3 years 
funding available)
We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow with strong programming and numerical 
modelling skills and experience in water quality modelling or hydrological 

PhD student – with Dr. Howard Wheater/ Dr. John Pomeroy (3 years funding 
The PhD student should have strong numerical modelling and programming skills, 
and ideally will have some experience in water quality or hydrological 
*Successful students will require admission through the School of 
Environment and Sustainability ( or the College of 
Engineering ( Please review eligibility criteria.

1 Masters student  - with Dr. Cherie Westbrook and Dr. John Pomeroy (2 years 
funding available)
The masters student will be responsible for setting up and running 
hydrological models, and should have strong quantitative skills, ideally with 
some experience in programming. *Successful students will require admission 
through the Department of Geography and Planning, College of Arts and Science 
( Please review eligibility criteria.

>Biogeochemistry & aquatic ecosystem health positions – with Dr. Helen Baulch
We are seeking two enthusiastic masters students interested in stream 
biogeochemistry, and indicators of aquatic ecosystem health.  Students will 
gain a strong understanding of stream biogeochemistry, experience in several 
laboratory techniques, as well as expertise in the use of aquatic sensors.  
Applicants should have strong field and laboratory skills.  Two years of 
funding is available. *Successful students will require admission through the 
School of Environment and Sustainability ( Please 
review eligibility criteria. 

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