Volunteers are needed in both the laboratory and field for a project that
aims to study song development in suboscine birds. The work will take place
in Panama, at The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, in collaboration
with Nathalie Seddon and Joseph Tobias from The University of Oxford. These
positions are most appropriate for individuals interested in pursuing a
career in behavioral ecology and evolution. Working at The Smithsonian
Tropical Research Institute provides ample opportunities to integrate with a
large body of tropical scientists, often leading to future collaborations
and positions.

Lab Positions: Three-month positions available throughout the year (first
position begins in January 2010). Positions will involve caring for
captive-raised birds (i.e., hand feeding and cleaning of cages), collection
and sorting of native and captive raised arthropods for diet
supplementation, monitoring daily song experiments, and processing song
recordings. Preference will be given to individuals with prior experience
handling birds and/or caring for animals in captivity. 

Field Positions: May 2010 – September 2010. Positions will involve nest
searching, mist netting, banding, collecting small blood samples, and
recording wild songs. Preference will be given to individuals with relevant
experience, and ability to work in challenging field conditions. 

Volunteers can expect to work 5-6 days a week for 8-10 hours a day. Housing
is provided, as is Internet in a nearby computer room. If interested, please
email Janeene Touchton at touch...@princeton.edu 1) a cover letter
explaining why you are interested in participating in this project, 2) a CV,
and 3) names and contact information of two or three references by December
30, 2009.

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