Whether you are a person with a casual interest in plants and pollinators,
or a serious biologist, consider registering for the upcoming CoNPS
conference Native Plants and Pollinators. On Saturday, September 12, at the
American Mountaineering Center, 710 10th St., Golden, a number of experts
in the field will speak about native plants and bumblebees, butterflies,
other pollinators, the U.S. government’s pollinator policy, and gardening
with native plants to attract pollinators. There will also be a book sale,
silent auction with a variety of interesting items to choose from including
native plants, bee blocks (apartment houses for native bees), books,
pictures, and more. There will be a photo contest and vendors with free
handouts and great information.

Attendees are also invited to attend field trips in the area on Sunday,
September 13. There will be a beginning wildflower hike for newbies, a
bumblebee hike, a tour of Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield, and a
variety of other choices. The early-bird discounted registration fee of $35
for both days ends August 23. After that, the regular registration fee of
$45 applies. CoNPS membership is required but it is only $25 for
individuals ($17 for students and seniors) and $35 for families. Membership
includes monthly talks during the winter, many wildflower hikes during the
summer, and a subscription to *Aquilegia: Newsletter of the Colorado Native
Plant Society.* More information can be found at
http://conps.org/volunteer/annual-meeting/. For questions or additional
information, contact CoNPS at conpsoff...@gmail.com.

Best - Jen

Jennifer Bousselot
Membership & Marketing Coordinator
Colorado Native Plant Society CoNPS.org <http://www.conps.org>
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/coloradonativeplantsociety> | Twitter
<https://twitter.com/ColoradoNPS> | LinkedIn
<https://www.linkedin.com/pub/colorado-native-plant-society/72/9/a0> |
Meetup <http://www.meetup.com/Colorado-Wildflower-Hikes-Meetup/>

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