Dear colleagues,

The Society for Conservation Biology informs you that the submission deadli=
ne has been extended until Monday 29 October 2007, due to technical difficu=
lties, now resolved.

If you haven't submitted yet you can still submit!

The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology will be hel=
d in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA.

The title of the meeting is From the Mountains to the Sea and will examine =
three extended themes:
- Land Conservation and Terrestrial Diversity
- Freshwater Ecosystems, and
- Coastal and Marine Conservation

As always, contributions from all fields of conservation research and pract=
ice are welcome.

General information on the meeting is available here:

Details for the call can be found at the conference site:

The next call (for contributed papers, posters, and speed presentations) wi=
ll be open soon and the submission deadline will be January 16 2007.

For more information about the meeting, please send an email to [EMAIL 
.org<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you, and apologies for cross-postings!


SCB2008 Local Organizing Committee
Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA<>

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