Dear Ecolog community,

I am hoping to conduct an experiment looking at mechanisms underpinning niche 
breadth, using 
Mimulus as my model system. I'm casting a broad net to see what might be 
available; I'm looking 
for Mimulus species other than guttatus, from Western USA. If anyone has 
collections on hand that 
they'd be willing to share, could you please email me (off list) a few details 
about your seed stocks 
(species, rough geographic location, rough number of maternal families 
collected if known, and 
whether the collection is bulked or maternal families were kept separate within 
a population)?

Alternatively, if anyone might be willing to collect a few specimens this 
summer during their field 
work, please send me an email with the general areas where you might be, and 
I'd love to discuss 
this further.

Thank you very much for your kind attention, and I appreciate any assistance.
Kelly Carscadden

PhD Student 
Cadotte & Gilbert Labs
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Toronto
25 Harbord St

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