ang...@seakeepers.org. THANKS!*****

The International SeaKeepers Society is currently accepting research 
proposals for DISCOVERY Yacht expeditions.  The SeaKeepers DISCOVERY Yacht 
program provides marine scientists with a unique and cost effective platform 
for at sea research by placing researchers on privately owned vessels to 
conduct oceanographic research.  SeaKeepers is committed to promoting ocean 
research, education and conservation.  We are looking for high impact 
projects that support our missions, foster scientific collaboration and 
stimulate further exploration.

How It Works:
For each expedition a scientist is paired with a vessel that can meet the 
required research needs, including location, itinerary and vessel 
specifications outline in the research proposal.  The yacht owners’ 
scientific interests are also taken into account when pairing scientists and 
their projects with their vessels.  Therefore, it is important that 
submitted proposals speak to the scientific significance of the project, the 
outreach and broader impact potential and the proposed involvement of the 
owners, guests and crew onboard.

Principal Investigators are responsible for obtaining and financing any 
required research permits.  Travel expenses to/from the vessel are not 
routinely covered.

Submit A Proposal:
Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis.  All submitted research proposals 
must meet the following criteria:

        PDF Format, no more than 6 pages single-spaced 12-point 
font, 1” margins.
        Clearly state project title, goals, intended impacts, 
information and/or previous related research, methodology, targeted location 
and timeline.
        Identify the Principal Investigator and all involved 
researchers and 
participants, their position title, affiliation and role in the expedition.  
Include a brief (one paragraph per person) biographical sketch for each 
researcher describing research, fieldwork and educational background.  
Provide current contact information for Principal Investigator.
        Specify any equipment to be brought onboard.  All instruments, 
consumables and chemicals brought by researchers will have to be pre-
approved.  There will be no invasive or permanent installations of any 
instruments, gear or laboratory spaces on our vessels.
        Specify any necessary vessel specifications, including number 
berths (for overnight expeditions), deck space, water access, crane 
capacity, satellite communications, water depth restrictions, etc.
        Declare current status on funding:  Is this project, or any 
part of 
this project, already funded?  If yes, for how much and by whom?

Submit the final proposal via email to programm...@seakeepers.org.

Proposal Review Process:
Proposals are reviewed by The International SeaKeepers Society’s programming 
directors and Scientific Advisory Council, with final approval by The 
International SeaKeepers Society Board of Directors.  Principal 
Investigators will be contacted with any questions from the review 
committees and notified when a decision has been made.

Accepted proposals are shared, with limited details (project title, 
location, timeline, number of researchers, vessel requirements), as a 
project opportunity on The International SeaKeepers Society’s webpage and at 
meetings with SeaKeepers members.  The full proposal document will remain 
confidential until the time that one of our yacht members expresses interest 
in participating in the project.  The International SeaKeeepers Society 
cannot guarantee that an accepted project proposal will be selected by a 
yacht owner or the timeline in which this will occur; however, accepted 
project proposals will remain active in the system for two years.  During 
this time, Principal Investigators may update their accepted proposals, 
assuming minor changes, with approval from the Director of Programs & 
Policies or withdraw their proposals at any time.  After two years, the 
Principal Investigator will be notified and asked to resubmit an updated 
proposal if they wish.

More information is available online at 
www.seakeepers.org/ProgramsPolicies/DiscoveryYachts.  Please address all 
questions to Angela Rosenberg, Director of Programs & Policies, at 

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