At 70 years young this summer, I will retire. Looking back over my long career, 
I am proud I participated as a scientist and educator in one of the greatest 
universities in the country.  My publication record is not as admirable as 
some, I never published in Science or Nature, but I my research regularly 
appeared with students in the primary journals in my sub-discipline.  But 
enough about me. 

In my career I cannot remember a more daunting job market than the one I have 
witnessed during the past 3-4 years.  Recently, I sat on a search committee for 
a position in which we screened more than 250 applications.  Of these, well 
over a third had stellar credentials. However, I have to ask how much a person 
really contributes on a manuscript to Science that has 15-20 authors, including 
essentially everyone in the home lab.  This kind of publication inflation by 
labs who do it, is simply dishonest.  But I digress.  The job market must be at 
a the worst state it has ever reached.  

How others my age, with 30+ years of service and a nice retirement package 
sitting in investments, the bank, or under the pillow can look at themselves in 
the mirror each morning knowing that many young Ph.D.s are on food stamps, WIC, 
and unemployment is difficult for me to understand.  It further mystifies me 
why those tenured faculty members and administrators allow individuals who are 
no longer productive, and largely incompetent in their fields, to hang around.  
Is allowing these sorts of parasites on academia to continue in positions they 
no longer deserve to occupy?  What happened to post-tenure review?  Each of us 
really needs to ask if we might serve our field better by eliminating some of 
these warm bodies.  Choosing to retire is not an end, it is a beginning.  
Choosing to evict inactive and now incompetent faculty is not a violation of 
tenure, it is maintaining the sanctity of tenure.   

Yesterday, I spoke with a middle-aged Ph. D. He/She has been partially employed 
for over a decade.  He/She has been in and out of jobs thanks to the financial 
difficulties so many institutions are faced with, combined with the corruption 
at the administrative level which so many of us is very familiar.  His/Her 
retirement is zero, prospects are zero, and yet he/she continues to publish 
without any resources. How many are there that fit this mold?

It is bad enough that many of our departments serve as homes for co-workers who 
no longer serve our discipline in any way, having long ago stopped publishing 
and now serve as little more than clogs in the system's plumbing.  There is 
little to nothing most of us can do about these selfish former scientists. But 
the rest of us can still contribute, advise graduate students, and publish as 
retirees.  It might be easier without teaching and committee responsibilities 
taking up our time.  

Will this email cause anyone to stop and thing?  I doubt it.  But, I look 
forward to a productive retirement in which I continue publishing, support our 
program, and the discipline knowing that having stepped aside, some other 
player is getting their turn at bat.  I hope he/she hits a home run. 

Lone Ranger  

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