We are looking to hire one (1) Field Technician to work on a field project 
on the Tutakoke River in the Yukon Delta NWR, AK. We will be investigating 
the impacts of climate change and the increasing trophic mismatch between 
arctic tundra and migrating Pacific black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans). 
Specifically, we will be looking at how the seasonal arrival of geese and 
the conditional effects of climate change are affecting plant phenology, 
biogeochemical processes, and sub-arctic tundra ecosystem function. 

The job will be physically and mentally demanding. Field duties will include 
walking long-distances over uneven ground, carrying up to 35 lbs of gear, 
and working remotely in the field for long-periods of time. Summer 
technician will help collect data on soil chemistry, plant growth, weather, 
and CO2 from experimental plots. The technician will also help move and 
monitor captured geese, and care for the birds in a captive holding pen. 

The technician will also be expected to help with cooking, cleaning, and 
other camp chores, as well as be part of a tight knit field team. We will be 
living in a remote field camp for the full duration of the field season with 
very limited communication and opportunity to travel outside of camp. It is 
crucial that people can work and live remotely in the field for long 
durations away from civilization. 

- Bachelor's degree in Biology, Ecology, Wildlife, or a related field 
- Understanding of basic principles relating to field science and data 
- Ability to communicate effectively, written and orally
- Ability to work in challenging environmental conditions (cold, wet, 
- Willingness to live and work in a small remote team setting
- Physically fit to work in a rugged, remote environment 
- Demonstrated eagerness to learn 
- Positive attitude, strong work ethic, and an interest in ecology are 

Dates: Mid-May through late-August 2014

Pay: $1200/month, room and board

Qualified and interested applicants should submit a CV, three professional 
references, and a strong cover letter with answers to the following 

1) Describe your experience working as a small group or team. 
2) Discuss your prior remote wilderness experience, if any. 
3) What are your long-term ecological career goals? 
4) What do you specifically hope to get out of working on this project?

Contact Information:
Send completed applications to Ryan Choi (ryan.c...@aggiemail.usu.edu). 
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. To be considered 
for the first round of interviews, apply by February 10, 2014.

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