Tenure-Track Associate/Assistant Professor Position in Climate Change 
Science with a focus on Terrestrial Biogeochemistry at Cornell University, 
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Cornell University, located in 
Ithaca, New York, USA, is an inclusive, dynamic, and innovative Ivy League 
university and New York's land-grant institution. 

Cornell University has recently established a Climate Change Initiative as 
part of its Center for a Sustainable Future (CCSF, 
http://www.sustainablefuture.cornell.edu). The Center serves to focus and 
integrate the growing interest across departments in sustainability, as 
well as to generate real-world impacts. As part of the Climate Change 
Initiative, the Center is facilitating the hiring of several faculty 
members over the next three years in the biological and physical sciences, 
social sciences, engineering and humanities. 

We are now seeking applications for a tenure track position at the 
ASSISTANT or ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR rank in climate change science, with a 
focus on Terrestrial Biogeochemistry. We seek candidates who link 
terrestrial processes with climate by employing theoretical and empirical 
approaches at the regional to global scale such as modeling, remote sensing 
and/or spatial information technologies, data-assimilation, and spatio-
temporal statistics. The position will focus on the interaction of climate-
related terrestrial surface processes with global environmental change.  
For example, a candidate may focus on connections between soil- and 
vegetation-related greenhouse gas emissions or carbon sequestration with 
changes in land use, cover and management. This “open department” search 
seeks to place outstanding candidates in departments they best match.  
Potential home departments are Biological and Environmental Engineering and 
Crop and Soil Sciences. The position will involve 50% research and 50% 
teaching responsibilities and developing an internationally recognized and 
externally funded research program in Climate Change Science.

Qualifications:  Ph.D. in relevant field. Applicants should submit a cover 
letter indicating why they feel they are a good fit for an 
interdisciplinary Climate Change Initiative at Cornell, together with a 
curriculum vitae, a research plan (2-3 pages), and a statement of teaching 
interests. All materials should be submitted electronically by emailing a 
single PDF file to biogeochemistry-sea...@cornell.edu. Applicants should 
also provide names of three individuals who may be contacted to provide 
letters of recommendation. Applications will be reviewed beginning October 
15, 2009, continuing until a suitable candidate is identified.

Cornell University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and 

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