Hello colleagues,

I’m asking for your help in sustaining an important bird project. We all know 
how difficult it is 
to get funding for new and innovative projects, especially for young 
researchers. I'm a 
graduate student at the University of Texas RGV, and my research concerns 
communication and its development in the wild. But I'm lacking funds to 
complete my field 
work with the species in Venezuela. I'm turning to crowdfunding as I've 
exhausted all other 
funding options. 

You can read about the details of my project, and give if you can, at: 

I only have 15 days to reach my funding goal, and if I don't reach it I won't 
get ANY of the 
pledged donations currently on the page. I don't need much to reach my goal, to 
do my 6-
month field work, and to have an amazing thesis!

Read more about my project here: 

Thank you!
Tatiana Dolgushina

Avian Ecology M.S. student
Dept. of Biological Sciences
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

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