---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [AAASFellows] New program: Emerging Leaders in Science & Society
From:    "Melanie Roberts" <roberts....@gmail.com>
Date:    Sun, October 21, 2012 10:49 pm
To:      aaasfell...@listserv.aaas.org

Dear former fellows:

I'd like to ask for your help with a new program that I've launched in
collaboration with AAAS and some current/former fellows, called Emerging
Leaders in Science & Society. Our mission is to prepare graduate and
professional students to contribute to solutions for real-world problems
throughout their professional and civic lives. It's a competitive,
extracurricular program that recruits students from all fields to engage
communities across the country in dialogue about complex challenges in
areas ranging from health to the economy to energy. See
www.aaas.org/elissfor more info.

Here is how you can help:

1. *Please share the announcement below with graduate & professional
students* via your organizations, alma maters, listervs, and social media.
We're eager to recruit students from business, law, humanities, arts,
education, and health professions, in addition to the STEM fields we all
know best.

2. This is my first foray into fundraising... yikes!  *I'd really
appreciate your help identifying opportunities for grants, corporate
sponsorships, or philanthropic donations*. Sponsorships are available for
specific theme areas or to support students in particular fields or
campuses (more on campus partnerships below). Please contact me directly to

Imagine how much more robust your graduate experience might have been if
you had the opportunity to join a cross-disciplinary network of peers and
mentors who shared your passion to make a difference. This is also a fun
way to develop transferable skills that are helpful in any career.

I really appreciate anything you can do to help!

Melanie Roberts
Congressional (2006-07) and HEHS/NSF (2007-08)

Dear graduate and professional students:

Do you like to discuss current events and to learn about the latest
breakthroughs and ideas in areas outside of your field? Do you want to make
a difference in the world, but aren’t quite sure yet exactly how to do it?
If your answers to these questions are a resounding “yes,” we invite
you to join
the signature
support of a new program for people just like you.

Emerging Leaders in Science & Society
hosted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. It
a grassroots effort developed by former grad students who believe that you
are a valuable resource for society and have heard your pleas for more
opportunities to contribute to solutions for real-world problems. Through a
competitive selection process, ELISS will create cross-disciplinary,
national teams of students and advisors in theme areas such as health,
environment, community, or economy. Each team will work to inform local and
national understanding of a particular challenge within their theme area,
which might range from the role of universities in regional economic
development to food security in a drought.

Solving tough challenges requires innovative solutions at the boundaries of
disciplines and collaboration among people with a variety of experience,
skills, and perspectives. That’s why ELISS welcomes talented graduate and
professional students from ALL fields, including natural and social
sciences, engineering, business, law, medicine, humanities, and the arts.
It welcomes basic and applied researchers and those who are training to
become practitioners in fields ranging from journalism to health care.
Imagine what you could accomplish as part of this community of talented
people who want to change the world, both during the program and throughout
your career -- be it in academia, industry, government or a non-profit.

Interested? Here’s the catch -- only students at partner
apply for ELISS.
*If you would like your campus to be considered for participation,* sign
let us know, and share
the link on
recruit other students. Campus partners will be selected based on the
number of students who sign and disciplines represented.

To learn more about the program, please visit our website,
We anticipate releasing a call for applications in Spring of 2013.

We hope to see some of you in our inaugural class! Until then, best of luck
with your studies.

The ELISS staff

  [image: -----]    [image:

Melanie Roberts, Ph.D.
Emerging Leaders in Science & Society
el...@aaas.org <mrobe...@elissfellows.org>  | 202.695.2761
www.aaas.org/eliss |
LinkedIn <http://http//www.linkedin.com/pub/melanie-roberts/6/a40/b18>
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of ideas and information among former AAAS Fellows only. AAAS does not
monitor, sanction, or endorse the content of information exchanged through
the listserv, except when posted by AAAS Fellowships staff acting in a
professional capacity. Opinions or points of view expressed in a listserv
message are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
AAAS or the Science &amp; Technology Policy Fellowships Department.
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