The University of Minnesota, Department of Forest Resources is seeking two PhD 
students to participate in an interdisciplinary research project examining 
peatland forests in northern Minnesota with focus on either 1) stand dynamics 
and successional direction, or 2) hydrology and soils.
The students will work with investigators in the Department of Forest 
Resources, the Natural Resource Research Institute, and multiple natural 
resource management agencies (state, counties, federal, private, and 
non-profit), to holistically evaluate peatland forest communities across a 
chronosequence following harvesting.  The research will involve summer 
fieldwork at project sites in northern Minnesota, and will utilize field and 
lab experimental approaches.  The students will be responsible for conducting 
field and lab work in support of project goals, analyzing data, and preparing 
peer-reviewed publications.

The start date is somewhat flexible, but preferably the students will begin 
field work in early summer 2019 with classes beginning the following fall at 
UMN Twin Cities.  Three years of guaranteed funding are available to cover 
stipend (~ $21,000 annually), tuition waiver, and health insurance with 
additional support likely from teaching and research assistantships.
Qualifications: Stand dynamics and succession topic: B.Sc. and M.Sc. with 
emphasis in forestry, forest management, forest ecology, silviculture or other 
relevant fields.  Knowledge of basic forest inventory methods and plant 
identification of regional flora is desired. Hydrology and soils topic: B.Sc. 
and M.Sc. with emphasis in forest soils, ecohydrology, forest management, or 
other relevant fields. Knowledge of soil sampling and analysis, forest 
hydrology measurements, and data analysis are required; skills in 
deterministic- and process-based modelling are desired.  Both applicants must 
be able to work independently in both lab and field settings, but also interact 
cooperatively with other researchers and graduate students associated with the 
Department. Applicants should have a strong work and leadership ethic, and 
demonstrated writing / quantitative capabilities. For additional information on 
the lab see -

Interested candidates should submit their CV, undergraduate transcripts and GRE 
scores, and a cover letter that includes a statement of which broad topic area 
you are interested in. Deadline for receiving applications is December 10, 2018.

For more information please contact either:
Dr. Marcella Windmuller-Campione (, 612-624-3699)
Dr. Rob Slesak (, 651-603-6756)

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