*Funded MS Positions (2), Biology Department, Institute for Great Lakes
Research, Central Michigan University: Spatial Ecology and Reproductive
Ecology of Native Freshwater Mussels*

The Woolnough Lab will be accepting applications for 2 new MS students to
begin Fall 2016.  The two positions will both focus on the conservation of
rare freshwater mussels.

*Responsibilities*: The successful applicants will conduct a two-year,
grant and TA supported research project on rare unionids in the Great Lakes
Region. The MS students will combine field and laboratory techniques to
assist in understanding the ecology of rare freshwater mussels.  The
successful applicants will work with Dr. Daelyn Woolnough at Central
Michigan University to answer questions about the conservation of mussel
species and communities, ultimately leading to a comprehensive thesis.
Stipend support in the form of Research Assistantship and Teaching
Assistantships (for top quality candidates) will be available through the
school year. Graduate students in Biology receive full tuition waivers.

*MS Position #1*: Will focus on fragmentation and relocation effects on
endangered freshwater mussels.

*MS Position #2*: Will focus on the reproduction ecology of rare freshwater

*Qualifications*: The successful applicant should be highly motivated and
have a B.S. in biology, zoology, ecology, aquaculture, fisheries or closely
related field. Prior field experience (e.g., boats, snorkeling, SCUBA),
interests in conservation biology, and working with aquatic invertebrates
and/or unionid mussels, are assets.  For MS Position #2 a background in
microscopy with SEM experience is a requirement.

Minimum academic qualifications for a position in the Woolnough Lab include
3.2 GPA (on a 4.0 system) and completion of GRE.

Salary: approx $18,000 + tuition waiver

Closing Date: July 22nd, 2016 or earlier if competitive candidates apply.

The candidate will be expected to begin August 29,2016 for the Fall 2016
semester.  Letters of interest and information described below should be
emailed to Dr. Woolnough by July 22, 2016 or earlier.  Please do not apply
to the CMU Graduate School/ Biology Department without first contacting Dr.

Send the following by email with the subject ‘FRESHWATER MUSSEL MS’ to Dr.
Woolnough (wool...@cmich.edu) with all of the following information:

1) a cover letter explaining your interest, qualifications, and position
interested in (#1, #2 or both)
2) a resume (CV)
3) copies of transcripts (unofficial ok) and GRE grades (unofficial OK-
report grades in cover letter).
4) names and contact information for three academic references.

Feel free to contact Dr. Woolnough by email (wool...@cmich.edu) with any

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