
We have two post-doc positions available at the US EPA's Western Ecology Division in Corvallis, OR. Both positions are funded through the Oakridge/ORISE program, and applications must be submitted through the ORISE website (<>

Position 1: Evaluating the effects of climate change on hydrologic behavior in the southwest (position EPA-ORD/NHEERL-WED-2014-02). Qualifications include: Doctoral degree hydrology, water resources, or a closely related field within five years of the desired starting date, or completion of all requirements for the degree should be expected prior to the starting date. Experience with the use of climate data and GIS analysis is desirable. The full project description can be found at <>

Position 2: Mapping watershed integrity nationally (position EPA-ORD/NHEERL-WED-2014-04). Qualifications include: Doctoral degree in aquatic ecology, ecohydrology, watershed hydrology, or a closely related field within five years of the desired starting date, or completion of all requirements for the degree should be expected prior to the starting date. Experience with the use of aquatic monitoring data and GIS analyses is desired. The full project description can be found at <>

Please share this information with any students or post-docs who might be interested in these positions. I would also appreciate it if you would post these positions within your department and forward this email to any colleagues or listservs that might have interested students.

Further information can be obtained by contacting me at <>

Thank you.

Scott G. Leibowitz, Ph.D.
200 SW 35th Street
Corvallis, OR  97333
TEL: (541) 754-4508
FAX: (541) 754-4799

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