We are pleased to announce the 2nd Call for Abstracts for

Symposium on the Ecology of Plague and its Effects on Wildlife, 4-6 
November 2008, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA

This is the 2nd call for abstracts for a 2 ½ day symposium on the ecology 
of plague and its effects on wildlife. Plague, caused by the bacterium 
Yersinia pestis, is a flea-borne zoonotic disease that has the ability to 
spread rapidly across a landscape and cause devastating effects, both to 
humans and wildlife. The overall goal of this Symposium is to increase the 
ability of scientists and resource managers to understand, evaluate, and 
mitigate wildlife risks associated with plague. 

Symposium themes include: 
Maintenance dynamics of plague in natural systems
Role of rodents and vector species in transmission
Diagnostic technologies 
Influence of environmental factors and landscape ecology on occurrence, 
spread, and persistence of plague
Management and control of sylvatic plague
Population impacts of plague on wildlife
Risk factors for humans from plague in wildlife

Oral presentations will be limited to 20 minutes with additional time for 
questions from the audience. A special poster session will be held on 
Tuesday, November 4th, in the evening. 

Abstracts from the oral presentations and the poster session will be 
peer-reviewed and if accepted, published in a special issue(s) of 
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. Selected abstracts will also be 
invited to submit a full-length paper to be included in this special issue 
of Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases.

Deadline for submission of abstracts (oral or poster): May 1, 2008.
Notice of acceptance of abstracts: May 16, 2008

For more information on abstract submission and to learn more about the 
symposium, please visit http://www.fort.usgs.gov/Plague/?ECOLOG

Email abstract submissions to Laura Ellison at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

This event is joint-sponsored by the U.S. Geological Survey, U. S. Fish 
and Wildlife Service, and Colorado State University. 

Any further questions, please feel free to contact:
Laura Ellison
Fort Collins Science Center
2150 Centre Ave., Bldg C
Fort Collins, Colorado 80526 USA
Phone: (970) 226-9494
FAX: (970) 226-9230

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