The call for presentations for the 2018 Landscape Ecology (US-IALE) 
conference is now open:

The 2018 US-IALE Annual Meeting will take place in Chicago Illinois on 
April 8-12. We now welcome abstract submissions for contributed oral 
presentations and poster presentations. The deadline to submit an abstract 
is Friday, December 15, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. EST.

The scientific program will consist of three types of sessions: Organized 
Symposia (a series of integrated presentations that address aspects of a 
single topic or theme, submitted as an organized group of speakers); 
Contributed Oral Presentations (individual oral presentations that are 
grouped into sessions by conference organizers); and Poster Presentations. 

Contributed Oral and Poster presentations will be grouped with similar 
presentations to form thematic sessions. The topics you select are used to 
create these groupings. Oral presentation authors also have the option of 
indicating interest in an Organized Symposium, either as an invited 
speaker, or if you want your talk to be considered for a particular 
symposium. Visit the "Symposia Overview" page for details and options 
( NOTE: Invited speakers of an 
Organized Symposium must submit their individual presentation abstract 
using this online form.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent by the end of December and the 
schedule will be posted in January 2018. All presenters will need to 
register and pay for the conference shortly thereafter.

If you have questions, or need assistance filling out the online submission 
form or withdrawing a proposal, please contact Meg Boera at

For questions about program content, contact Program Co-Chairs Audrey 
Mayer,; or Brian Sturtevant,

Follow this link to learn more about the meeting 
and follow this link to submit an abstract

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