Biological Soil Crusts:  The Role of Trampling, Climate Change and Nitrogen 
Deposition in Affecting 
Community Species Composition

A PhD-level position is available at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas to 
study the species 
dynamics of biological soil crusts communities. The successful candidate will 
work on a 
collaborative project that will examine the natural dynamics in undisturbed 
communities, as well as 
how trampling (from both cattle and people), climate change (experimentally 
manipulations with 
heating lamps and watering treatments), drought (using rainout shelters), fire, 
and nitrogen 
deposition is or has affected the composition of biological soil crusts 
communities. These studies 
will occur on both the Colorado Plateau and in the Mojave Deserts.  This 
position will: 1) sample 
current and past experiments to assess treatment effects and recovery from 
those treatments; 2) 
synthesize 15 years of data on the natural dynamics of biological soil crust 
communities in 
undisturbed areas of both the Colorado Plateau and the Mojave Deserts; 3) 
effectively use 
statistical analyses to assess effects, and 4) communicate results in 
presentations and peer-
reviewed publications.  This project offers an unparalleled opportunity to 
examine how species 
composition of biological soil crusts changes through time, as we have the 
longest existing data 
set in the world. This position will also revisit some sites and examine how 
treatments have 
affected biocrust cover and physiology, using a portable fluorometer. A 
background in laboratory 
and field methods in ecology, physiology, and/or biogeochemistry is preferred. 
This position will 
be working with Drs. Henry Sun (Desert Research Institute in Las Vegas, NV) and 
Jayne Belnap 
(USGS, Canyonlands Research Station in Moab, UT). Salary is $1800/month. Start 
date will be fall 
2014 or spring 2015, depending on the application date. Position is expected to 
last 4 years. 
Interested individuals should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and 
three references to Dr. 
Henry Sun (

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