Please consider submitting an abstract to the AGU session “Climate impacts
on forest ecosystems: ecohydrologic scaling from cells to landscapes”,
sponsored by AGU's Atmospheric Sciences, Biogeosciences, and Hydrology sections.

We're interested in stimulating cross-disciplinary discussion among a
diverse group of scientists to reduce uncertainty in future scenarios on the
composition and dynamics of forest ecosystems. Presentations on latest
research results on the biophysical controls of tree growth and demography
are particularly welcome. The session description available on the AGU web
site is below.

"Ecohydrologic processes that control forest responses to climate change,
variability, and extremes vary at multiple temporal and spatial scales.
Reconciling results from plots and flux towers with those from continental
gradients and remote sensing is helpful but often challenging. This session
will showcase interdisciplinary contributions that quantify forest responses
(wood growth, carbon fluxes, mortality episodes, etc.) and how they vary
across physical and ecological gradients. We seek contributions of
ecohydrologic research that disentangle the complex gradients, ecological
legacies, stochastic climate variations, and anthropogenically-driven trends
that affect forest trajectories. We welcome studies that address the impacts
of climate extremes on forests and/or combine proxy records with remote
sensing data, field observations, experiments, or simulation models. Of
particular interest are studies that contrast differences between western
and eastern North America, and how drought, with or without other
co-occurring disturbances, has impacted forest processes in these two region."

Conveners: Jeremy S Littell, USGS Alaska Science Center, Anchorage, USA,; Franco Biondi, University of Nevada, Reno, USA,,; and Bill Anderegg, Princeton
University, USA,

Confirmed Invited speakers: 
Jeffrey A. Hicke, University of Idaho,
Adrian Das, USGS Western Ecological Research Center,

The deadline to submit an abstract is 5 August, and the meeting website is

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