We invite you to submit an abstract to the following AGU (Dec. 2012) session: 

Measurement and modeling of N2O fluxes and the coupling with CO2 and CH4 fluxes

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a powerful greenhouse gas but its global emissions from 
natural ecosystems, agroecosystems, and urban ecosystems are uncertain. N2O is 
a product of both  nitrification and denitrification processes in soil. There 
is an emergent need to advance our ability to measure and model N2O fluxes and 
the coupling with CO2 and CH4 fluxes. A significant knowledge gap in the ratios 
of N2O/N2 and N2O/NOx fluxes needs to be filled. This session aims to bring 
together ecologists, biogeochemists and biometeorologists who use recently 
developed technologies to measure and model N2O fluxes from various ecosystems 
based on eddy-covariance and chamber-based methods and simulation models. 

Jianwu Tang
Marine Biological Laboratory

Peter Groffman
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

The abstract submission deadline is 8 August 2012.

The session detail can be seen at: 

Instructions to submit abstracts can be seen at: 

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