Dear Colleagues,

As we get closer to the deadline for AGU abstract submission for 2017 
Fall meeting, I would like to draw your attention to our session on 
Ecohydrology and Biogeochemistry of Savannas and Woodlands.

Dr.Thomas Boutton from Texas A&M and Dr.Carla Staver from Yale have 
confirmed to join us as our invited speakers for this session.
The session is titled "Ecohydrology and Biogeochemical processes in 
Savannas and Woodlands". The session ID is 24284. It is listed in 
Hydrology and cross-listed with Biogeosciences. 
Primary convener for this session is Dr. Bradford Wilcox - professor of 
Ecohydrology at Texas A&M University. Other conveners on this session is 
Shishir Basant and Yong Zhou who are graduate students.

We are hoping this to be a great opportunity for getting as many savanna 
ecohydrologists and biogeochemists together in one session which will 
hopefully translate into a more savanna-focused dialogue and 
Deadline for abstract submissions is August 2nd.
You can also check the link for the session here:
Session ID#: 24284


Session Description: Savannas are comprised of trees and grasses and are 
globally important ecosystems that sustain the livelihoods of a large 
proportion of the world’s human population. However, due to overgrazing, 
fire suppression, elevated atmospheric CO2, and climate change, savannas 
have experienced the proliferation of woody plants during the past 
century and have a tendency to convert to woodlands. Given the 
geographic extent of savannas, this conversion has important 
implications for biogeochemistry and eco-hydrology at local, regional, 
and global scales. The variety of feedbacks and connections existing 
between the major components of biogeochemical cycles and key aspects of 
hydrologic processes are expected to be altered by the conversion of 
savannas to woodlands, but these remain poorly understood. A 
comprehensive assessment of the joint impact of woody encroachment on 
biogeochemistry and eco-hydrology is essential for empirical and 
modeling researches aiming at understanding the dynamics and services of 
savanna ecosystems.

Shishir Basant

PhD Student, 
Wilcox Water and Ecology Lab

Ecosystems Science and Management, Texas A&M, 
301 Horticulture and Forest Science Building,
College Station - 77843


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