The meeting registration and abstract submission portal is open for the ASLO Aquatic Sciences 2017 meeting (26 Feb - 3 March, 2017) in Honolulu.

Call for Papers:

037 - Air-water gas exchange in inland and coastal waters
Knowing the rate of air-water gas exchange in inland and coastal waters is important for studying ecosystem metabolism and greenhouse gas fluxes. We seek contributions on observations using different techniques, modeling, and data synthesis/interpretation of studies in wetlands, lakes, streams and rivers, as well as coastal ecosystems such as mangroves and coral reefs. Technique development and improved mechanistic understanding of factors that control gas exchange in these settings are also welcome.

David Ho , University of Hawaii

Damien Maher , Southern Cross University


038 - Estuaries: Blue carbon sinks or greenhouse gas sources?
Estuaries are dynamic, productive ecosystems at the interface between the land and ocean. They receive significant loading of organic matter and nutrients, and are often hotspots for groundwater discharge. As such, estuaries play an important role in the global cycling of greenhouse gases, and store globally significant amounts of "blue" carbon. In spite of their obvious importance, the balance between the role of estuaries as greenhouse gas sources and blue carbon sinks remains unresolved. Here we invite contributions on all aspects of the cycling of greenhouse gases in estuaries, and the blue carbon sink capacity of these systems. In particular we are looking for presentations with an emphasis on new methods (both measurement and modeling), and those providing novel insights into the mechanisms controlling the balance between carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas production and fluxes from estuarine ecosystems.

Damien Maher , Southern Cross University

David Ho , University of Hawaii

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