Dear Colleagues,

Abstract submission is now open for the Japan Geoscience Union-American
Geophysical Union (JpGU-AGU) Joint Meeting in May, 2017 in Chiba, Japan!
Please see more information on the conference and the abstract submission
process following this message.

Once again, we would like to bring to your attention a session focused on
integrative climate impacts on fisheries that we will be convening. We
think that this session will be relevant to many of you and we encourage
your participation. Please forward this to colleagues who may be
interested, and apologies for any cross listing.

See you in Japan!

Best wishes,
Rebecca Asch - Princeton University/East Carolina University
Colleen Petrik - Princeton University
Gabriel Reygondeau - University of British Columbia
Maria de Oca - Duke University

*Session Topic:* Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences (A), Ocean Sciences
and Ocean Environment (OS)
*Session ID:* A-OS18 (May 23)
*Session Title: Beyond physics-to-fish: Integrative impacts of climate
change on living marine resources           *
This session will take a “physics-to-fish” approach to identify the impacts
of climate variability and anthropogenic climate change on marine organisms
with a particular focus on living marine resources (i.e., commercially
targeted fish and invertebrates and protected species, such as marine
mammals, seabirds, and sea turtles). Talks will investigate bottom-up
oceanic forcing, connecting physical atmospheric and oceanographic
processes to lower trophic levels, which in turn influence the abundance,
biogeography, phenology, migration patterns, growth rates, reproduction,
and physiology of higher trophic level marine organisms.  Presentations can
address this topic with  observational, experimental, or model-based
approaches.  We especially encourage submission of presentations that
include an “integrative” element.  Presentations can integrate across:
multiple life history stages to address cumulative population level effects
of climate; multiple species to identify key ecological characteristics
that influence species responses to climate change; multiple modes of
climate variability in order to attribute the source of observed changes in
living marine resources; multiple regions to pinpoint hot spots of climate
change impacts; multiple stressors to gauge how individual impacts may be
amplified or counteracted by other ecosystem stressors, or; multiple
scientific disciplines to better develop climate change solutions that can
be implemented by resource managers and other stakeholders.  Lastly,
special consideration will be given to presentations that can directly
inform and improve marine policy.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: American Geophysical Union <>
Date: Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 11:32 AM
Subject: Call for Abstracts: JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017

 Click here to access the web version of this message
[image: JpGU 2017 logo]

Abstracts are now being accepted for the Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU)-AGU
Joint Meeting
which will take place in Chiba, Japan, 20-25 May 2017.

There will be more than 150 sessions conducted in English. View the list of
and abstract submission guidelines

   - *Early-Bird Submission Deadline*: 3 February, 11:59 A.M. JST (save
   1080 JPY)
   - *Final Submission Deadline:* 16 February, 5:00 P.M. JST

AGU will be taking applications for travel grants for students who reside
outside of Japan; JpGU will be taking applications for students residing in
Japan. Applications will be accepted soon.

Note: AGU members must first log in to their AGU account and then register
for or confirm a JpGU ID. Learn more

Submit Abstract Now

AGU galvanizes a community of Earth and space scientists that
collaboratively advances and communicates science and its power to ensure a
sustainable future.
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