Dear fellow ecologists,

I am writing to ask your help in promoting a unique tourism project that
directly supports endangered species conservation in Noel Kempff Mercado
National Park, Bolivia.  I am a co-director of this project, which is a
collaboration of the Bolivian National Park system and local indigenous
communities.  The project's goal is to conserve local turtle populations of
Podocnemis expansa (giant Amazon river turtle) and P. unifilis (yellow
spotted South American river turtle).  

We are promoting and selling this tourism package through the nonprofit
SELVA International.  This is the first year of the tourism project, and we
need help promoting it.  The tour package is a bit costly, but it is a
highly specialized and personal tour that is competitive with similar length
tours.  Unlike most tours, most of the cost of the package directly funds
turtle conservation and goes to local communities (i.e, most of the tour
price is also tax deductible). 

For more information please visit our website at  I would be happy to email you our
brochure if you are interested.  If you find this to be a worthy cause,
please help us by sharing with your family, friends, colleagues, and other
professional arenas.

Thank you much.


Alison Lipman

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