We are please to invite you to attend *FISH AT NIGHT: AN INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM* to be held in Miami from 18 to 20 November, 2015. This symposium is organized by the /Bulletin of Marine Science./

The purpose of the symposium is to stimulate the exchange of new knowledge, data, and ideas on behaviors, patterns, and processes operating underwater, in darkness

The main conference themes include:

·Nocturnal fish behavior and ecology

·Night fishing, fisheries, and enforcement

·Deep and polar sea (“perpetual night”) fish and fisheries

·Diel fish distribution and abundance comparisons

·Methods for studying fish in darkness

·Human threats to fish at night

·Larval fish at night

Drs Euan Harvey (Curtin University in Australia) and Carl Meyer (Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology) will deliver keynote addresses.

The /Bulletin of Marine Science/ encourages presentations to the symposium from all fields of marine research pertaining to fish at night. Although the focus is on marine ecosystems, relevant contributions from inland waters will also be considered. Anyone interested in the subject matter can attend the symposium. Those who wish to participate without making a poster or oral presentation are welcome.

The ultimate and most important goal of the symposium is to produce a peer-reviewed dedicated issue that will capture the present state-of-knowledge of fish studies in the dark, identifying critical information gaps, and charting a course for future research and collaboration. Ultimately, we want to advance the current understanding of fish at night studies in the systems they occupy.

Registration opens April 1, 2015. Please visit our website for more information (http://www.fishatnight.org).

Download a Symposium flyer here: http://www.rsmas.miami.edu/bms/FishAtNight/fishatnight_files/FishAtNightAnnouncement.pdf

We hope to see you in Miami!

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