Subject: [ECOLOG-L] App for plant community field data collection
Fellow Ecologers,
The other day, I managed to leave my printed data sheets behind when I went out
to a site to collect plant community data. Fortunately, I had my iPod, and I
was able to use Notes to collect
You might try Fulcrum: http://fulcrumapp.com. Alternatively, you could set up
a database in FileMaker Pro and enter data in the field using FileMaker Go
(http://www.filemaker.com/products/filemaker-go/). I haven't used Fulcrum much
yet, but FileMaker Go has served me well.
Jeff Davis
I've bumped into Open Data Kit (http://opendatakit.org/) before and was
intrigued but haven't had a good excuse to try it out. From what I've read,
you set up forms, collect data on a mobile device and then sync back to a
central server. It seems like it would fit your needs quite well, except
Fellow Ecologers,
The other day, I managed to leave my printed data sheets behind when I went out
to a site to collect plant community data. Fortunately, I had my iPod, and I
was able to use Notes to collect the data. My sites have a modified Whittaker
plot design that consists of one large 20x