Dear fellow ECOLOG-ers,

Thought you'd be interested to read the story of an earth scientist and post-doc from the University of British Columbia, Janice Brahney, who is racing to collect critical data on melting glaciers and water supply in the Columbia River Basin:

As, I'm sure plently of you know, the Columbia River Basin supplies freshwater for a total of 7 US states and much of southwestern Canada. Janice needs to collect data now to disprove out-dated climate models before the re-negotiation of the Columbia River Treaty and risk drought in the region.

I'm the founder of the crowdfunding platform, Instrumentl <>. We help women gain direct funds for their research projects. I'm also a female researcher myself as are Instrumentl's other two founders. Janice's story is important one and now it's our job to make sure others know it as well as we do.

You can also check out Janice's crowdfunding page <> and email me with any questions.

All my best,

Angela Braren
+1 510 990 1790

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Check out our latest campaigns, supporting: Bromeliad Conservation <> in Brazil Arthropod Research <> in Hawai'i Global Amphibian Decline Research <> in Costa Rica & Eastern US Glacier Melt <> in the Pacific Northwest

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