Assistant Professor in Systems Physiology
University of California, Riverside

The Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology invites 
applications for a 9-month 
tenure-track faculty position in the area of vertebrate Systems Physiology, 
starting July 1, 2019. 
Candidates should employ a comparative, ecological, and/or evolutionary 
approach to the study of 
physiology. Research areas/approaches include, but are not limited to, 
evolution of physiology, 
behavioral physiology, and physiological genomics (including use of 
transcriptomics, proteomics, and/or 

Consult for details about the department and other graduate 
programs in which our 
faculty participate. Applicants will be expected to vigorously pursue 
extramurally funded research and 
contribute to teaching in our undergraduate and graduate core curricula. A 
Ph.D. in physiology or a 
related discipline and demonstrated excellence in research are required. 
Preference will be given to 
those applicants who possess at least one year of postdoctoral training.

To apply: Application materials should be submitted through 
Please provide a cover letter, curriculum vitae, separate statements of 
research and teaching interests, 
and one to three reprints of publications. A statement addressing the 
candidate’s past and potential 
future contributions to promote academic diversity must be included. In 
addition, applicants should 
request that three letters of recommendation be submitted through this site. 
Evaluation of applications 
will begin December 4, 2018, but the position will remain open until filled. 
For more information about 
the position, please contact Dr. Theodore Garland, Jr., Department of 
Evolution, Ecology, and 
Organismal Biology, University of California, Riverside: For 
inquiries regarding the 
application process, please contact Mary Stuart, Academic Personnel, at

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action 
Employer. All qualified applicants 
will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, 
religion, sex, sexual orientation, 
gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, or 
any other characteristic 
protected by law.

UCR is a world-class research university with an exceptionally diverse 
undergraduate student body. Its 
mission is explicitly linked to providing routes to educational success for 
underrepresented and first-
generation college students. A commitment to this mission is a preferred 
Advancement through the faculty ranks at the University of California is 
through a series of structured, 
merit-based evaluations, occurring every 2-3 years, each of which includes 
substantial peer input.

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