Biology Faculty Position
The Biology Department at the Virginia Military Institute invites applications 
for a full-time, tenure-track position at the assistant professor level. VMI is 
a small, highly rated undergraduate institution with a strong emphasis on 
teaching and undergraduate research. Faculty members wear uniforms during the 
academic year but military experience is not required. We seek a passionate 
teacher-scientist with professional interests in conservation, ecology, or 
another field of biology addressing modern environmental issues. The successful 
candidate will teach courses in general biology and in their area of expertise.
As part of the VMI commitment to undergraduate education the candidate will 
maintain an active research program involving students. Applicants should have 
an earned Ph.D. and experience teaching undergraduates. Post-doctoral training 
is desirable but not required. The starting date for this position is 1 August 
2017 or as early as 1 January 2017.
Candidates must apply on-line at:
Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statements of 
teaching and research interests, and copies of transcripts.  In addition, send 
three letters of recommendation to:  Dr. James E. Turner, Head, Biology 
Department, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA, 24450-0304.
Review of applications will begin 1 October 2016 and proceed until the position 
is filled.
Additional information on VMI is available at<>. 
 In a continuing effort to enrich its academic environment and provide equal 
education and employment opportunities, VMI encourages women, minorities, 
disabled individuals, and veterans to apply. AmeriCorps, Peace Corps, and other 
national service alumni are also encouraged to apply.

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