US Army Corps of Engineers
Engineer Research and Development Center

POSITION DESCRIPTION:  The US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research 
and Development Center is seeking an enthusiastic and talented post-doc to 
participate in multidisciplinary research at the interface of spatial 
statistics, sampling optimization and invasive plant ecology. This post-
doc position aims to develop and apply cutting-edge, statistical 
methodologies for optimal detection and mapping of invasive plants under 
the relatively common conditions that hinder existing methodologies (e.g., 
at invasion fronts or foci where infestations are sparsely distributed and 
exhibit spatially variable abundances, and when multiple target species 
are of interest).  The postdoctoral researcher will join a diverse team 
working on many different aspects of invasive plant ecology and 
management.  The postdoctoral fellow will have access to an excellent 
research environment, including advanced software, high quality data, and 
a travel budget, as well as colleagues and students having a breadth of 
scientific expertise.  Proposed technical development will target the 
design of flexible sampling schemes and mapping capabilities that 1) 
support model- and design-based inferences, 2) can detect invasive plants 
occurring at low abundances and in widely-scattered infestations, and 3) 
maximize mapping accuracy and precision in high risk areas.  Anticipated 
research outcomes include rigorous definition of the statistical sampling 
and mapping methodologies in prominent publications, practical 
implementation including assistance in the development software, and 
detailed examples demonstrating the application of the methodologies to 
invasive plant inventory and monitoring.

QUALIFICATIONS:  A recent PhD degree in statistics, biometrics, 
psychometrics, biomedical/epidemiological, or geostatistical research.  
Candidates should have a strong record of collaborative research, and 
advanced training in applied statistics or biostatistics with expertise 
preferably in more than one of the following topics:  Computational 
Statistics, Spatial Statistics, Adaptive Sampling Theory (e.g., Adaptive 
Cluster Sampling, Adaptive Web Sampling, Two-phase Sampling, Sequential 
Sampling), Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation, Bayesian Probability and 
Mathematical/Simulation Modeling.  Additional qualifications include a 
demonstrable ability to use statistical and GIS software, as well as 
excellent programming, data management, communication and organizational 
skills.  Applicants must be US citizens.

SALARY AND LOCATION:  Contingent upon satisfactory performance, funding is 
available for up to four years.  Stipend award is variable ($45 – 
$55,000/yr) depending upon years of experience and skill set.  
Opportunities for permanent employment may also be available.  Research 
will occur at the US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and 
Development Center in Champaign, Illinois.  Equidistant from Chicago, 
Indianapolis and St. Louis, Champaign is known for its tree-lined streets, 
numerous parks, stable economy, cultural diversity, comfortable pace, 
affordable cost of living, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 
campus.  It is also home to the National Center for Supercomputing 
Applications, Wolfram Research Inc., and numerous state and federal agency 
offices.  The local airport offers convenient jet service to Chicago, 
Detroit, St. Louis, Dallas, and other regional cities.  

APPLICATION PROCESS:  Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, copies 
of transcripts, statement of research interest, and three letters of 
reference to Matthew Hohmann, Ecological Processes Branch, ERDC-CERL, 
Champaign, IL  61822-1072.  Additional questions regarding the duties of 
this position may be directed to Matthew Hohmann at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or (217) 373-5863.  Review of applications 
will begin March 24, 2008, with an anticipated start-date sometime in May 
of 2008.

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