Dear Colleagues,

A special issue about Sensory Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, the 3rd issue 
(June issue) this year, has been published. . This issue contains very 
exciting findings in this filed, please see the below paper titles.  

CURRENT ZOOLOGY is a bimonthly, peer-reviewed international journal that 
publishes reviews, research articles, and short communications in all aspects 
of Zoology, including significant new findings of fundamental and general 
interest. Submissions in the research fields of ecology, behavioral biology, 
biogeography, conservation biology, evolutionary biology and genomics are 
especially welcome. In particular, CURRENT ZOOLOGY seeks to publish research 
that explores the interface between zoological disciplines, and is truly 
integrative by illuminating the greater picture. 

Looking forward to your future submissions.

Volume 56, Issue 3
 Sensory Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior  ( PDF[35 KB] ) 
 Martin STEVENS 
 Avian magnetic compass: Its functional properties and physical basis  ( 
PDF[365 KB] ) 
 Roswitha WILTSCHKO, Wolfgang WILTSCHKO 
 Functional origins of the vertebrate cerebellum from a sensory processing 
antecedent  ( PDF[223 KB] ) 
 Mechanisms of species divergence through visual adaptation and sexual 
selection:Perspectives from a cichlid model system  ( PDF[339 KB] ) 
 Martine E. MAAN, Ole SEEHAUSEN 
 Can color vision variation explain sex differences in invertebrate foraging by 
capuchin monkeys?  ( PDF[173 KB] ) 
 Amanda D. MELIN, Linda M. FEDIGAN, Hilary C. YOUNG, Shoji KAWAMURA 
 Multimodal alarm behavior in urban and rural gray squirrels studied by means 
of observation and a mechanical robot  ( PDF[301 KB] ) 
 Sarah R. Partan, Andrew G. FULMER, Maya A. M. GOUNARD, Jake E. REDMOND 
 A framework for quantifying properties of 3-dimensional movement-based signals 
 ( PDF[422 KB] ) 
 Shaun TD NEW, Richard A PETERS 
 Generalization of predator recognition: Velvet geckos display anti-predator 
behaviours in response to chemicals from non-dangerous elapid snakes  ( PDF[91 
KB] ) 
 Jonathan K. WEBB, Weiguo DU, David PIKE, Richard SHINE 
 Female mate choice and the potential for ornament evolution in tĂșngara frogs 
Physalaemus pustulosus  ( PDF[311 KB] ) 
 Michael J. RYAN, Ximena E. BERNA, A. Stanley RAND 
 Anti-bat tiger moth sounds: Form and function  ( PDF[342 KB] ) 
 Aaron J. CORCORAN, William E. CONNER, Jesse R. BARBER 
 A signal-substrate match in the substrate-borne component of a multimodal 
courtship display  ( PDF[188 KB] ) 
 Damian O. ELIAS, Andrew C. MASON, Eileen A. HEBETS 
 Predator perception of detritus and eggsac decorations spun by orb-web spiders 
Cyclosa octotuberculata: Do they function to camouflage the spiders?  ( PDF[231 
KB] ) 
 Wenjin GAN, Fengxiang LIU, Zengtao ZHANG, Daiqin LI 

Zhi-Yun JIA,Ph.D.            
Executive Editor   
Current Zoology                
Institute of Zoology                               
The Chinese Academy of Sciences                    
Beichen Xilu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China 

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