The Nature Conservancy is pleased to solicit applications for the NatureNet
Science Fellows program, a trans-disciplinary postdoctoral fellowship
program aimed at bridging academic excellence and conservation practice to
mitigate, and adapt to, climate change. See:

The NatureNet Science Fellows program seeks to bring leading early career
scientists and engineers from diverse fields into the realm of problem
solving at the interface of climate change, technology, and conservation. 
This program drives research to tackle the two overarching challenges of
climate change:

Theme 1: Halting Climate Change
The majority of projected climate change impacts can be avoided, if we act
quickly and aggressively towards a low-carbon energy system. Getting there
will require major new advances in the science and engineering behind energy
technology -- from storage, improved efficiency, and transmission, to new
source development--and in how we deploy all energy sources--from
encouraging major energy source shifts to siting and operating new
infrastructure with minimal environmental impact. Fellows may tackle these
challenges from the fields of physics, chemistry, landscape planning,
electrical engineering, biology, nanotechnology, political science,
meteorology, waste management, computer science, energy technology,
geography, or transport engineering.

Theme 2: Adapting to Climate Change
Climate change is already happening, and current levels of greenhouse gasses
in the atmosphere have already locked the planet into significant climate
disruption. The NatureNet program supports research that will identify new
means for reducing these impacts and improving the ability of both nature
and people to adapt. Relevant challenges will be addressed by fellows from
fields as wide ranging as coral biology, agricultural technology, political
economics, coastal geomorphology, ecology, spatial planning, forestry, water
and sanitation health, climatology, environmental toxicology, agronomy,
irrigation engineering, animal husbandry, fisheries, or coastal engineering.

Fellows will work with a Nature Conservancy mentor and a hosting senior
scholar (or scholars) from one of the NatureNet partner universities to
develop a research program. This year’s participating universities and
centers are:

• Earth Institute at Columbia University
• Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future at Cornell University
• Stanford University (emphasis on biogeochemistry, agriculture, and climate)
• Institute of Environment and Sustainability at University of California -
Los Angeles
• Institute on the Environment at University of Minnesota (emphasis on
ecological economics and agricultural management)
• School of Arts and Sciences at University of Pennsylvania
• Center for Biodiversity and Conservation Science at University of Queensland
• College of Arts and Sciences at University of Virginia (Science Division)

Fellows must identify a potential University partner mentor and potential
mentor at The Nature Conservancy. For more information:

The Conservancy expects fellow appointments to start between May 1 and
September 1, 2017. Eligible individuals will have completed their doctorate
within five years before the application close date of November 30th, 2016. 

Applications must be submitted by November 30, 2016 via the NatureNet
Science Fellows Online Application - 

The application requires the following components:
1. Cover letter and research proposal (2 pages). 
2. Curriculum Vitae or resume.
3. Three Letters of recommendation to be submitted through the online
application system. 

Accepted candidates will be notified by February 28, 2017. Funds are
available for fellows to start on approximately May 1, 2017. For further
information about the NatureNet Science Fellows Program, please contact

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