Dear ECOLOG-L members,

The International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF), Yale Student
Chapter, is organizing a Conference from January 27th - 29th, 2011 titled
"Communities, Commodities, and Carbon: Innovations in Tropical Forest
Management". Each year, ISTF organizes a two-day conference at the Yale
School of Forestry & Environmental Studies in New Haven, Connecticut to
discuss emerging topics in the tropics. The 2011 conference aims to bring
together practitioners and researchers from government, academia, and
environmental and development organizations to explore innovations in
tropical forest conservation and management.

ISTF is currently seeking presenters to share experiences and engage in
discussions during the conference. We encourage you to apply, by sending
your abstract by November 5, 2010 to yalei...@gmail.com. Attached you will
find our call for papers with details on how to participate, and the key
questions we are looking to address at the conference. Please feel free to
forward this information to anyone else that might be interested in

For those interested in attending (without presenting) the conference is
free to registrants, more info will be available for registration as the
date approaches, but feel free to contact yalei...@gmail.com for any

For more information, please visit our website http://www.yale.edu/istf or
contact us directly at yalei...@gmail.com. ISTF is looking forward to
hearing from you.


The International Society of Tropical Foresters

Yale Student Chapter

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