Charles Henry Racine (Chuck) passed away on January 7, 2014 at the age of 73 
after a long illness.  Chuck touched the lives of many colleagues and friends.  
He was a classically trained plant ecologist and an early explorer in many 
remote areas of Alaska that years later would become units of the National Park 
System. He continued to work in Alaska every summer for 30 years, in addition 
to his work at the Center for Northern Studies in Vermont and the Cold Regions 
Research and Engineering Laboratory in New Hampshire. He published many 
scientific papers based on his research, including an article in Nature in 2001 
first reporting the striking increases in shrub growth across Alaska in 
response to climate change.

 A friend, scientist, colleague, and mentor to many, Chuck was deeply committed 
to Alaska. As a fitting memorial that will help others study the Great Land 
that he loved so much, the Chuck Racine Fund for Field Research has been 
established at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The goal is to award an 
annual scholarship for field support to a student pursuing studies that Chuck 
would have found exciting and worthwhile.

Donations can be made online at: (indicate "In Memory of Charles H. 
"Chuck" Racineā€).

or by check to:

UA Foundation
PO Box 755080
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Please make checks payable to the "UA Foundation" and include "In Memory of 
Charles H. "Chuck" Racine" in the note.  Additional questions about the fund 
can be directed to the UAF Development Office at 907-474-2619.

Please share this message with those who may have known him.  His obituary is 

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