Dear colleagues, 

The NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science is hiring a
Computational Ecologist, a statistical/computational ecologist with
experience fitting advanced spatial models to marine wildlife survey data
(e.g., seabirds and marine mammal transects, fisheries trawl surveys) in R
and other statistical languages.  This is a full-time, long-term stable
contract position. The successful applicant will work on a variety of
projects involving spatial modeling of seabirds, marine mammals, marine
fish, and deep sea corals. I'm asking for your help in spreading this job ad
far and wide. Please feel free to forward to departmental listservs, etc. 
See details and application link below (online application link:

We are looking for an expert R programmer with experience in spatial
modeling, especially of marine wildlife survey transect data (e.g. seabirds,
marine mammals). Please note that this is a contract position, so rather
than applying directly to NOAA the link below directs you to the contracting
company (CSS-Dynamac, Inc.).  We are looking to hire someone immediately.

Brian P. Kinlan, Ph.D
Marine Spatial Ecologist

NOAA National Ocean Service
Contractor, CSS Inc.
NCCOS-CCMA-Biogeography Branch
1305 East-West Hwy, SSMC-4, N/SCI-1, #9224
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3278


Computational Ecologist

Contract position with NOAA's National Ocean Service, National Centers for
Coastal Ocean Science, Biogeography Branch (Contract Company:

Apply for this job online at


A person with experience or academic training in quantitative ecology,
advanced statistical modeling, computational analysis, and scientific
programming in R and Matlab; who also has demonstrated interest and
experience in advanced spatial analysis, is being sought for a full-time
contract position with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s
(NOAA) National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS). NCCOS’
Biogeography Branch conducts ecological and oceanographic studies to map,
characterize, assess, and model the spatial distributions and movements of
marine organisms across habitats throughout the United States and Island
Territories. We are seeking an individual with a broad suite of
quantitative, statistical, and computational skills. A strong background in
statistical modeling of spatial ecological data with some experience in
marine sciences is preferred. The successful candidate will join an
experienced scientific team at the forefront of marine ecological predictive
analytics. The initial assignment for this position will involve developing,
implementing, and running machine-learning models for predictive
spatio-temporal modeling of marine bird and groundfish distributions to
support marine planning processes. Additional potential projects include
predictive modeling of deep sea corals, marine mammals, sea turtles, marine
fish, fishing fleets, and marine ecosystem processes. 


Core responsibilities

    Provide statistical, computational, and analytical support to projects
that use predictive statistical models, in conjunction with large wildlife
survey and oceanographic databases, to provide spatially-explicit maps and
analyses that answer questions of marine management and conservation relevance.
        Design and implement spatial and spatio-temporal statistical models
of marine species’ distributions (e.g., seabird and marine mammal occurrence
probability and abundance), marine habitat, and marine ecosystem properties
        Develop and maintain computer code to interface with large
oceanographic and ecological databases and mine these databases to improve
predictive models
        Assess model performance and uncertainty in management-relevant
        Assist with writing journal articles/reports and present at
scientific conferences
        Offer technical guidance for selection and implementation of
different statistical methods to detect patterns in wildlife surveys.
        Explain statistical results as they relate to project goals and
summarize results in the form of tables, figures, journal articles and
technical reports. 
        Travel to federal and state laboratories and academic institutions
as part of collaborative research projects
    Develop, maintain, and grow a codebase for advanced spatial analysis
        Apply new developments in statistical modeling to a marine
ecological/wildlife survey context
        Implement model selection, assessment, and validation algorithms
    Develop, maintain, and grow oceanographic and ecological geo-databases
        Build a database of oceanographic and environmental predictor
variables of relevance to marine ecological modeling
        Analyze satellite and observational datasets and raw ocean model
outputs to develop derived products that improve predictive models
        Automate data acquisition, data mining, model assessment & QA/QC



    Advanced degree (Masters or PhD), or equivalent experience, in
Quantitative Ecology, Applied Statistics, or similarly highly quantitative
field. Ecology, Marine Science and related advanced degrees also acceptable
with demonstrated evidence of a strong quantitative focus and statistical
and computer programming expertise described below
    Must be proficient and highly experienced with R and Matlab (3-5+ years
experience with one or both of these languages); a code sample may be
requested to demonstrate proficiency
    Experience implementing a variety of spatially-explicit statistical
models in R and/or Matlab, including at least 3 of the following: machine
learning models (e.g., component-wise boosting), geostatistical models,
GLMMs, GAMs, regression trees/forests
    Ability to independently identify, analyze and solve complex statistical
and computational problems
    Demonstrated written and oral scientific communication skills
    Able to work effectively in a dynamic, fast-paced, team-oriented
multi-project environment


    Experience with spatial analysis of wildlife survey data, especially
marine bird data, in the marine environment
    Knowledge of ecology, marine science, oceanography, and/or a related field
    Ability to interface with large databases through THREDDS/ERDDAP servers
in R and/or Matlab
    Experience working with ocean remote sensing data, numerical ocean model
outputs (e.g., ROMS), and large distributed oceanographic databases
    Proficiency with programmable GIS (e.g., Python scripting with ArcGIS or
equivalent); Experience with geostatistics (gstat, ESRI Geostatistical
Analyst, rgeos, GSLIB, or equivalent)
    Although not required, we value experience developing hierarchical
Bayesian or Approximate Bayesian models on large spatial datasets
    Record of academic publication 

Apply for this job online at

To discuss the position or for more information contact:

    Dr. Brian Kinlan
    Marine Spatial Ecologist
    NOAA NOS National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science

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