Dear Ecologers,

We are excited to announce the 2018 Gordon Research Seminar on Unifying
Ecology Across Scales. The seminar is a 2-day symposium especially for
post-doc and grad student that precedes the 5-day conference of the same

This meeting aims to promote the integration of subfields of ecology
working across biological scales (from individuals to ecosystems) to
efficiently advance our fundamental understanding of ecological systems.
As ecology is under increasing pressure to provide evidence-based
guidance for solutions to the global environmental crisis, moving
ecology forward as quickly and efficiently as possible has become a
priority. To continue the ongoing discussion on how to unify ecology,
this meeting discusses approaches based on individuals, common
currencies and data. Topics include but are not limited to: trait-based
ecology, theoretical ecology, network ecology, macroecology,
macrophysiology, biogeography, stoichiometry, metabolism and organismal

The seminar will be held July 21-22 2018 in Biddeford, Maine.

You can find all the information on the seminar's website:
And see here for the sister Conference:

Please spread the word to early-career scientists and submit your
applications soon, as there are only 60 slots and they are filling up

Julie Messier and  Diego Barneche ,
Co-chairs, GRS on Unifying Ecology Across Scales
​Julie Messier​
​​Postdoctoral researcher
​University of Sherbrooke & CNRS

​Diego Barneche
Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Evolutionary & Ecological Physiology Lab
The University of Sydney

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