
A fellow UC Berkeley ESPM graduate student and I are putting together a 
symposium for the 2011 
Society for Conservation Biology Annual Meeting (Nov 28th to Dec 2nd at 
University of Canterbury, 
New Zealand) on Conservation and Food Security and we are looking for 
individuals who work on 
this subject and would be interested in participating in our panel.

The working title of the symposium is "Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy 
Communities?: Links between 
Conservation and Food Security".  We are interested in assembling a range of 
perspectives on this 
topic, from those who study biodiversity and sustainable agricultural systems 
to those who 
examine links between natural resource dependence and food security. The 
keynote speaker for 
this symposium will be Dr. Justin Brashares, from UC Berkeley, whose talk will 
address issues of 
food security in the context of fisheries management and the bushmeat crisis in 
Africa.  Five 
fifteen minute presentations and a concluding question and answer period will 

If you are planning to attend SCB in New Zealand in 2011 and would be 
interested in being a part 
of our panel, please email me and provide a working title/abstract for your 
talk by January 14th. 
We unfortunately cannot offer travel funding for participants at this time, but 
encourage you to 
seek out independent channels for conference travel funding.


Katie Fiorella

PhD Student
Environmental Science, Policy & Management
University of California, Berkeley

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